Minutes For 18/03/2013
Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Margaret Atkinson, Darcy and Sally Maunder, Ruth Sargent.

Apologies: Ros Balston, Doreen Beard

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting.

Minutes:   The minutes of the previous meeting were read and moved by Heather. Seconded by Jan.  

Business arising:  Peter banked $1045 from the gaming machine and the $20,000 anonymous donation. 

Ros is working on the signs.  It was suggested that the Council could deepen the channel on the north side of the island to protect the wildlife.  Margaret reported that the paper work on whether donations to our association are tax deductable was quite complex.  Peter is to have another look at this. 

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Margaret seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.   Inwards – Western Downs Regional Council (Community Grant Funding), Western Downs Regional Council (2 letters from the Building Services Co-ordinator).

Outwards – Western Downs Regional Council Planning Section, Thank you notes for Australia Day Breakfast.  

Treasurer’s Report:   Ruth presented a report of receipts and payments and the Cash book balance is $23,082.47.  Income $21,045 - Anonymous Donat- for the old school.  These have to be submitted to the Council.  Ron Woods should still have the plans for the ramp on the Shearer’s Quarters.  These also have to be submitted to the Council.  Gerard advised us to apply for a refund for the planning fees.  The Council has not yet paid us the $330 for the breakfast. 

General Business

Peter is still waiting on notification from Burke Industries as to when they can remove the asbestos.  Their certificate also has to go to the Council. 

The siting of the school will be as follows – 1 and a half metres from the western fence and 5 metres from the roadway. The ramp can either be parallel with Dalby Street or along the front verandah. Ramp access must be to the front of the building. 

Peter distributed a plan for the heritage precinct.  Maree was to see Brendan re. securing the frame on the back of the old school. 

More rocks may be needed on the creek bank.

Peter reported that he has old movies of Lionel Blinco’s sawmill and footage from Don Blinco on the operation of his sawmill prior to the closure of the mill.  George Sturgess has put these onto DVD’s. 

The bathroom door at the cottage needs attention.

Pavers in the front garden are lifting due to the roots from the Ash tree.  Peter will see what can be done about this problem.

Jan will ring Craig Ellis regarding his wedding.

Rick from the Business Group is applying for a grant for signage for the town.

The willows are growing well.

A special meeting will be called once we have the asbestos clearance. 

A working bee is needed at the heritage precinct. 

The meeting closed at 8.30pm. 

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