Minutes For 11/02/2013
Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Margaret Atkinson, Daryl Donald.

Apologies:  Ruth Sargent, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell.  

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting.

Minutes:   The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and Margaret seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.                                                                                                                                                  

Business arising:  A new Term Deposit of $8,000 has been made.  Peter will collate the photos from the Sparkes family.  Craig Ellis is to contact Jan regarding his wedding in the grounds in April.  Jan suggested that we charge $50 plus so much to hire our chairs. 

The meeting decided not to provide Natchos at the Rotary Fete.  Jan is to contact Lillian regarding this.

The Australia Day Breakfast was very successful.  As the Council requested the change in venue they are to pay for the hire of the hall and the air conditioning. 

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Doreen seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.   Inwards – Western Downs Regional Council (Financial Assistance to Community Groups), Community Development Manager (Opera at Jimbour 20th July), Ed Hoffman (National Bank).

Outwards – Tax Invoice to the Council for Australia Day ($330 gst inclusive). Thank you notes to be written to  David Tuppack, Colleen Wunsch, Rob Brazier & Group, Tony Bartlett (MC) and School, Beryl McKenna (buns), Arthur (donating drinks sold), Noelene McDonald (aboriginal artifacts & inkwell).  

Treasurer’s Report:   Peter presented Ruth’s report and the Cr. balance is $2983.33.  Income $513.85 -Memberships $12, DVD Sales & Donations $92, Australia Day $409. Payments -  Fuel $41.67, Fixed Deposit $8000, Australia Day $42. The old Term Deposit balance is $7,135.22.  Peter moved this report for adoption.  Seconded Beryl.   

General Business

Peter said that a special Executive Meeting had been called as we now have an anonymous donation of

$20,000 to pay for the removal and relocation of the old school.  Peter will write a personal letter of thanks. Peter contacted Burke Industries for them to arrange for the removal of the asbestos.  April or May would be the earliest the Wassells could remove the building.  The fees for the removal and relocation of $724 are to be paid to the Council.  The building can then be moved once we receive the asbestos clearance.  The cupboards are to go to the Taylors.  Peter will check with Brendan re. securing the steel trusses on the back of the building.  The school is to be the same height as the Shearer’s Quarters and John Camomile knows where the underground power is located.  We will have to disconnect the water and power from the school. 

Peter has $1045 to be banked from the slot machine at the Jandowae Hotel.

Peter reported that Ros received a phone call from a lady about the signs.

Jan suggested that we may need to dig around the far side of the island to protect the animals living on it.

The fence adjacent to the heritage precinct has been renewed. 

The Business Group has now been incorporated and we no longer have the number 2 account.

Margaret is to check our the tax deductability requirements for donations to our Association.

Peter is to see Tony Brame about the bricks that have to be removed from the site.

$48 was received from the Burra Burri School on their recent visit.

The linings inside the old school can be removed before the building is relocated.  It has been reroofed.

Jan thanked everyone for their help on Australia Day.

The meeting congratulated Daryl on his Western Downs Regional Citizenship Award.

The Association donated $20 to Amelia for the Leukaemia Foundation. 

Daryl reminded us we still have the Court House furniture.

The storage area in the quarters needs a good clean out.  A small shed with iron walls and on a cement block could be built for the mower in the future. 

The next meeting will be on Monday 18th March at the Cultural Centre.

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