Minutes 14/12/12 Jandowae & District Progress & Heritage Assoc. Inc

Minutes For 14/12/2012
Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present:  Peter Ireland and Grace Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Ruth Sargent, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Ros Balston, Tony Balston, Margaret Atkinson. Sally Maunder, Betty Wassell, Evelyn Nauschutz, Beryl McKenna

Apologies:  Daryl Donald

Minutes:   The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and seconded Beryl that the minutes be accepted as read.  .    

Business arising:  Peter welcomed our helpers and visitors to our meeting.  Ian and Peter are to clean up the

timber under the shearer’s quarters prior to Australia Day.

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Beryl seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.  

Inwards – Western Downs Regional Council – Carollee Murphy (Australia Day), Ed Hoffman (National Bank building), QGC (Grant failure), Office of Fair Trading (incorporation),  

Outwards -  Western Downs Magazines (Australia Day), Phil Berting (National Bank building), Bruce Thomas, Western Downs Council (Public Liability refund)

Treasurer’s Report:  Ruth presented the report and the Cr. balance is $10,553.15.  Income for the month was Memberships $10, Donation $2.50, GST refund $159. Payments – nil.  The Term Deposit balance is $7,135.22.  Ruth moved this report for adoption.  Seconded Doreen.  Margaret moved and Ros seconded that a new Term Deposit of $8,000 be made. 

General Business: 

The students from the Burra Burri school attended the heritage precinct and they all signed the visitor’s book and donated to the collection box. 

The Budden family have donated books and photographs from “Lyndley” and the Sparkes family.  The Balstons and Irelands have sorted these and made copies of suitable material. 

Jan reported that Craig Ellis would like to use the grounds for his wedding on 6th April.  There will be a charge depending on what equipment is used. 

The Rotary Fete is to be held on 16th February at the Showgrounds and Jan reported that they would like us to sell Natchos once again.  Members agreed to this request.

There is a new resident on the creek – a white duck. 

Australia Day Celebrations:  Jan will order the meat from the butcher and we will use the same quantities as last year.  The menu will be sausages and eggs.  Plates need to be purchased.  Sally has acquired special egg rings.   Jan will attend to the advertising.  Dave Tuppack will supervise the fishing.  The school will provide students for the flag raising ceremony.  There will be a prize for the best decorated hat.  Sally will ask Darcy if he will cook damper.  Ian will ask Dudley to help with the cooking.  Ruth volunteered Ken as a cook. 

The next meeting will be held on Monday 11th February at 7.30pm at the Cultural Centre.

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