Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and Doreen seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Business Arising:
Peter has nearly finished the work on the sprinklers. An additional sprinkler is to be put in place near the school.
The bee sign has been erected and Peter thanked Ian for the work involved.
The wheels are in the process of being repaired for the old wagon.
Correspondence:Inwards: WDRC email from Matthew Robertson re. plants for centre gardens. Outwards: Letter to Co-ordinator Parks & Open Space
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards be endorsed, seconded by Beryl K. Carried
Treasurer's Report: The Balance as per the Bank Statement was $2,405.70. Term Deposit of $11,090.94. Income — Donations Australia Day Breakfast $319.90, Drinks $69. Total $388.90. Donation of $50 on hand from Rick for sale of Videos. Peter to be reimbursed $13.35. Cr. Balance $2794.66. Heather moved her report of Income and Expenditure be accepted, seconded by Ian.Carried
General Business:
Peter is still working on the new brochure for Athlone Cottage. It is now in the hands of the printer.
Australia Day Catering. 9 dozen eggs were used (15 ordered), 12 dozen sausages used, ($18 dozen ordered), 8 loaves of bread used(4 left), milk 8 litres ordered (4 litres left).
Peter said that in future extra help for cleaning and gardening will be paid for by our Committee as members are getting past being able to cope with these jobs due to age.
The railings on the school verandah are starting to peel and Peter is to obtain a quote for this job.
Members were disappointed with the number of locals who attended the Australia Day Breakfast.
A letter of thanks is to be sent to the football club thanking Michael Wood, Zac Clarke and Clint Veivers for their support with barbeque cooking.
Email to be sent to Brigalow Balladeers for the excellent music provided and for the use of their microphone system.
Tanya is to be thanked for cleaning and for the donation of the vacume cleaner.