Minutes Of Meeting Held On 29/01/20
By Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and thanked the members for their attendance.

Present: Peter, Heather, Ian, Beryl K, Jan, Doreen

Apologies: Beryl McKenna, Margaret Atkinson

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved and Doreen seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried

Business Arising:

Correspondence: Inwards: WDRC email from Matthew Robertson re. plants for centre gardens.
Outwards: Letter to Co-ordinator Parks & Open Space
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards be endorsed, seconded by Beryl K. Carried

Treasurer's Report: The Balance as per the Bank Statement was $2,405.70. Term Deposit of $11,090.94. Income — Donations Australia Day Breakfast $319.90, Drinks $69. Total $388.90. Donation of $50 on hand from Rick for sale of Videos. Peter to be reimbursed $13.35. Cr. Balance $2794.66. Heather moved her report of Income and Expenditure be accepted, seconded by Ian.Carried

General Business:

Next Meeting: will be held on 14th March at 9am.