Minutes For Annual General Meeting
Held On 8/11/2014 for Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present: Peter Ireland, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Beryl King, Doreen Beard , Sally Maunder, Ruth Sargent, Margaret Atkinson, Tony Brame

Apologies: : Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Beryl McKenna

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Sally.

President's Report: Peter thanked Tony Brame for chairing our meeting. The bricks in the front garden were relayed in order to create a safer environment. A trench was dug by the Council between the island and the creek bank. Wayne Giles has assisted in controlling the reeds in the creek. Visits were made by the Wondai National Seniors, Burra Burri school children and the Jayco Caravan Club. Morning tea and scones provided by members to the Jayco Club. Peter thanked the volunteers for opening the cottage on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Facilities are available for weddings for a small charge. Our Australia Day celebrations were well attended. Timbertown was another busy weekend. A combined church service was held and the collection donated to the local chaplaincy committee. The major project was the relocating of the historic school. Wall boards have been purchased and windows ordered. Quotes for painting and a ramp have been obtained. Len Veivers is to commence the restoration of the school in the near future. This was made possible by a generous donation from Bruce Thomas. A photo of the school is needed to help with the restoration. Peter thanked his supportive committee for their contributions which have enabled the continued development of our heritage site.

Treasurer's Report: Ruth presented her report. The Cr. Balance as per the Cash Book and the reconciled Bank Statement is $7731.66. Investments are $35,906. Ruth moved her report for adoption. Seconded Doreen.

Tony Brame expressed his thanks at being asked to chair the annual meeting and he congratulated the Committee on the improvements at the heritage precinct. All positions were declared vacant and nominations were called.

Tony wished us success over the coming year and Jan congratulated the office bearers, especially Peter on a successful year.

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