Minutes For Annual General Meeting
Held On 28/9/2015 for Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present: Peter Ireland, Margaret Atkinson, Ian & Heather Gall, Beryl King, Jan Bickerton, Daryl Donald, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder

Apologies: Beryl McKenna, Evelyn Nauschutz, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell

Peter welcome all present to the meeting and thanked Daryl for chairing our annual meeting.

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather who moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded Jan.

Treasurer's Report: Margaret presented the annual Statement of Income and Expenditure. The credit balance as per the Cash Book was $4,134.14 and the reconciled balance as per the Bank Statement was $15,719.14. The ANZ fixed deposit of $10,163.39 matures on 12.10.15. Margaret moved her report for adoption. Seconded Doreen.

President's Report: Len Veivers has completed the major renovations on the old school building and the Gaming Community Benefit Fund grant enabled us to employ Nathan Weldon to carry out the painting of the building. Nathan donated the sign on the front of the school. We are now in the process of sourcing memorabilia for the building. We are mindful that our other buildings need to be maintained. The sprinkler system needs upgrading and further work is needed on the stormwater drainage. We would like to move the flagpole to the south-east corner of the school and see if it is possible to move the toilet to the back fence. Our facilities continue to be an attractive site for weddings, school visits, organized tours and tourists visiting our town. We hosted a morning tea for a busload of seniors from Bundaberg and the farewell morning tea for Tony and Ros Balston which was very well attended. Official team photos were taken on the grounds during Zone 4 and the precinct was opened on2 days during the carnival.

George Hoath has offered to keep the creek banks trimmed and do other jobs in the garden that are too large for the Committee to handle. In the future we may have to enlist the help of other individuals and organisations within the district.

We hosted the Australia Day celebrations for the former Wambo shire district and the Paralympian Marayke Jonkers was the guest speaker. The day was well supported. Peter thanked Michael Wood for the electrical work he has done and Bowmans Transport for transporting materials for the school. Thanks also to Val Baker (old wash board), and Kay Seigmeir, donna Tanner, Tony & Ros Balston, Ross Gourley's family and the Jandowae School for their donations of school desks. Much has been achieved this year and Peter thanked the wonderful support of members of our community. Finally Peter thanked the Committee, the volunteers who open Athlone and the office bearers for their commitment. Jan and Beryl were thanked for the work they have done in the garden.

Ian congratulated Peter on a job well done. It was Peter's passion for restoring the school that enabled the work to be carried out.

Daryl declared all positions vacant .

Daryl congratulated the office bearers on their nominations and wished them all the best.

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