Minutes For Annual General Meeting 12/11/2016
For Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcome all present to the meeting.

Present: Peter & Grace Ireland, Ian & Heather Gall, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl McKenna, Evelyn Nauschutz, Beryl King, Geoff Sullivan

Apologies: Doreen Beard, Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Sally Maunder

President's Report: Peter thanked Geoff for chairing our annual meeting. Peter said it was great to see the completion of two years of hard work with the opening of the historic school on Australia Day 2016. The furnishings are in keeping with the age of the building. We are indebted to Graham Bickerton who made display cases and shelves. A large TV was purchased so we could project our historical CD's. The official Australia Day Breakfast was a great success. Bruce Thomas and Ernie Wilson officially opened the restored school. Rocks have been installed on the north bank of the creek and a large sign advertises 'Athlone Cottage' in the paddock between the 2 bridges. We received a grant to build a ramp for the disabled to access the school and the cream room has been moved back and the grant for the storage shed has been approved and the shed will be built in the near future. George Hoath has continued to maintain the grass along the creek bank and Don Blinco has been mowing the lawns. Roy Campbell oiled the verandah and the viewing platform. Sandra Schmidt (Vince's daughter) sent a copy of the photos on Vince's computer and Peter is matching these with captions Vince had compiled. Thanks to Jan and Beryl our gardeners and to the office bearers and to the committee for their support during the year.

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Ian moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded Beryl King

Treasurer's Report: Margaret presented her report. Income $26,194.32 and Expenditure $17,541.28. The balance as per the Cash book and the Bank Statement at 30.6.16 was $24,382.18. Term Deposit $10,422.32. Peter Wilson has audited the books. Moved as accepted by Margaret, Seconded Beryl McKenna. Carried

Geoff thanked Peter for the invitation to chair the meeting and he congratulated Peter on his fine report and on our sound financial position. He stated how he often hears favourable comments about the precinct from visitors to our town. All positions were declared vacant.

Geoff wished the Association well for the next 12 months.

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