Minutes For Annual General Meeting 8/9/2018
For Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and thanked the members for their attendance. A special welcome was made to Mick Cosgrove who was to chair the annual meeting.

Present: Peter, Ian, Heather, Beryl K, Margaret, Beryl McK, Jan, Sally, Grace, Mick Cosgrove

Apologies: Evelyn, Doreen, Betty

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded M Atkinson. Carried

Treasurer's Report: : Margaret presented the report of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 30th June, 2018. The Balance as per the Cash book and the Bank Statement was $8,898.70. Term Deposit of $10,867.03 matures on 12.10.18.

President's Report: Peter presented his report. Ergon Energy inspected the powerlines above the Bunya pine and said that it should be safe in the near future. Gauze screens were installed over the vents in the old school. Shellite lights were hung in the school building. Painting and maintenance has been carried out on our buildings where necessary. White ants were eliminated from the stumps under the shearing quarters. Athol Pine trees are to be removed by the Council. A grant of $3000 was received from AGL to help with the cost of relocating the German wagon from the Apex Park. Many tourists have visited the precinct and the annual Australia Day celebrations were well supported. The precinct was opened during Timber Town and an Ecumenical Service was held in the grounds. Our pamplet is yet to be upgraded. Thanks were extended to Tanya Maunder and George Hoath and to all our volunteers. Peter thanked his Committee and he expressed concern at the lack of younger members.

Jan spoke to this report and said that Peter has done a wonderful job and has been energetic and keen.

Mick spoke and said it was a pleasure to be here and he also congratulated Peter on his excellent report and said how important it is to preserve our past for future generations. He had attended Bunjinnie School which was similar to our own. Mick declared all positions vacant and the following office bearers were duly elected:

President: Peter Ireland, nominated by Margaret, seconded Sally, accepted
Vice President: Ian Gall, nominated by Jan, seconded Peter, accepted
Secretary: Heather Gall, nominated by Jan, Seconded Margaret, accepted
Treasurer: Margaret Atkinson, nominated Beryl McK, seconded Grace, accepted
Mick wished the new Committee all the best for the future.