Minutes For Annual General Meeting 7/9/2019
For Jandowae District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present and a special welcome was made to Greg Olm who kindly offered to chair our annual meeting.

Present: Peter, Margaret, Ian, Heather, Jan, Beryl K, Beryl McK, Betty, Grace, Greg Olm

Apologies: Doreen, Sally

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Margaret moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded Grace Ireland. Carried

Treasurer's Report: Margaret presented the report of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 30th June, 2019. Balance is $2092.86 and the Term Deposit of $11090.94. Income was $4089.21 and Expenditure $10,895.05. Margaret moved her annual report be accepted, Seconded Grace. Carried

President's Report: Peter said that the Committee has had a busy year. Early in the year 70 participants and organisers of a Car Rally visited our precinct for Morning Tea & Lunch. They were raising money for cystic fibrosis. We also opened the precinct for a Caravan Club that raised money for drought relief. Residents from Taralga visited the complex for Morning Tea.
The following improvements were made. Blinds were installed to prevent damage to our display cabinets by sunlight. A seat was erected on the viewing platform and our sprinkler system is being updated. The Wambo sign was relocated to make room for the German wagon which has been painted and is the process of being restored. Don Blinco offered to pay for this restoration work. Diane Wood has memorabilia from the Jandowae East School and this is to be displayed. Darcy Maunder donated a hive of native bees.
The new brochure for the Athlone precinct is an ongoing project. Signs have been erected on the School, Shearer's Quarters and the Windmill to inform visitors of their history. Members were sad to hear of the passing of Mavis Hoskin at the age of 102.
Peter thanked his committee and the volunteers who open the precinct for visitors to enjoy the history of our town and district.

Jan congratulated Peter for his enthusiastic way in doing all that he does.

Election of Office Bearers: was conducted by Greg Olm who congratulated Peter and his Committee on the excellent report.
President: Margaret nominated Peter. Seconded Beryl McK. Carried
Vice President: Jan nominated Ian Gall. Seconded Peter. Carried
Secretary: Jan nominated Heather. Seconded Ian. Carried
Treasurer: Heather nominated Margaret. Seconded Betty. Carried