Minutes For Annual General Meeting 12/9/2020
For Jandowae District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

President Peter welcomed members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.

Present: Peter & Grace, Ian & Heather, Margaret, Jan, Beryl K, Doreen, Daryl.

Apologies: Betty, Beryl McKenna p>

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Jan moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded Beryl K. Carried

Treasurer's Report: Income was $4,327.04 and Expenditure $5204.52. Balance is $1215.38 as per the Cash Book and the Bank Statement. Term Deposit $11,283.58. Margaret moved her annual report be accepted, Seconded Grace. Carried

President's Report: Peter presented his annual report. Because of Covid restrictions we have not been opening the precinct to the public. Once again we had a successful Australia Day Breakfast where we also hosted the nationalisation ceremony for new citizens for the WDRC. Over 120 people attended. A grant was obtained from WDRC to hire a marquee for the occasion. The Rugby League Club operated the barbeque and Tanya Maunder cleaned the buildings. The native bee log is now on a sandstone base. Don Blinco painted and restored the wagon wheels on the old dray. The WDRC provided a grant to upgrade our heritage precinct brochure. We have applied for a grant to WDRC to paint the railings on the school and to purchase a new John Deere Mower. Ron Woods has made repairs where necessary. Graham Bickerton made a display cabinet to house the historical collection from the Jandowae East School and the collection was kindly donated by Diane Wood. The Chinchilla Seniors visited the precinct earlier in the year. Peter said it is a pleasure to work with a committee like ours and he thanked the members for their commitment.

Jan congratulated Peter and said that Peter is a wonderful president and quietly attends to the jobs that need attention.

Election of Office Bearers: Was conducted by Daryl who also congratulated Peter on his fine report and he declared all positions vacant.
President: Margaret nominated Peter. Seconded Jan. Carried
Vice Presidents: Margaret nominated Ian. Seconded Beryl K. , Peter nominated Jan. Seconded Heather. Carried
Secretary: Grace nominated Heather. Seconded Doreen. Carried
Treasurer: Heather nominated Margaret. Seconded Grace. Carried

Peter thanked Daryl for chairing the election of office bearers.