Minutes For Annual General Meeting 11/9/2021
For Jandowae District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and thanked Daryl for chairing our Annual Meeting.

Present: Peter Ireland, Heather & Ian Gall, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Cherie Woollett, Jade Por, Daryl Donald.

Apologies: Jan Bickerton, Betty Wassell, Grace Ireland

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Margaret moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded Beryl Carried

Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance (1.7.20) was $1215.38. Income $6324.01. Expenditure $5331.14. Cr. Balance (30.6.21) $2208.25. Term Deposit of $11,376.39.
Margaret moved her annual report for adoption. Carried

President's Report: Peter presented his Annual Report and thanked Daryl for chairing the meeting. We now have our new John Deere mower thanks to a Council grant. Once again Australia Day Breakfast was well attended. Because of Covid restrictions, the precinct has only been open by request for passing tourists and we have had visits from several groups during the year. Claire Matthews has memorabilia from Scouts and Girl Guides which she would like us to preserve. We received a Pearl Howden painting for display. Don Blinco and Roy Campbell sanded and painted the Wambo log. Peter thanked the community and friends for their support. Ian moved and Jade seconded this report. Memberships were collected $5 family or $2 single.

Election of Office Bearers: Was conducted by Daryl who also congratulated Peter on his fine report and he declared all positions vacant.
President: Peter Ireland Margaret nominated, Jade Seconded. Carried
Vice President: Ian Gall. Peter nominated, Heather Gall Seconded. Carried
Secretary: Heather. Jade nominated, Margaret Seconded. Carried
Treasurer: Margaret. Heather nominated, Ian Seconded. Carried

Members to make up the Sub Committee.