Minutes For Annual General Meeting 8/10/2022
For Jandowae District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and thanked members for their attendance. Special welcome was made to Councillor Peter Saxelby who kindly offered to chair our meeting

Present: Peter & Grace Ireland, Ian & Heather Gall, Beryl King, Margaret Atkinson, Doreen Beard and Peter Saxelby

Apologies: Don Blinco and Betty Wassell

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Ian moved that the minutes of the last annual meeting be accepted as read. Seconded Beryl Carried

Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance is $1363.36 as per the Cash Book and Bank statement. Income $4092.25 — Memberships $25, Donations $540.50, Fund Raising $196, Grants $2880.75, GST Refund $450 Expenditure $4937.14 — Repairs & Maintenance $2596.62, Insurance $1193.64, Registration $57.60, FundRaising $209.28, Capital Items $880. Term Deposit of $11,384.03.
Margaret presented her report for adoption. Seconded Grace. Carried

President's Report: We once again hosted a successful Australia Day celebration. Thanks to all those who helped and to the men from the Junior Rugby League who manned the BBQ. Excellent music was provided by Cammie and Charlie from Brigalow Balladers. We were open during Timber town and people were really interested in our exhibits. The Church Service was held at Athlone precinct on the Sunday morning. 3 tourist buses have visited during the year. Dianne Wood and Maree Turner have displayed memorabilia from the Jandowae East School. It is an invaluable record of the early education of children in rural Australia at a one teacher school.. Don Blinco has purchased the timber chainsaw carving of Ned Kelly and we are in the process of putting it on display at the centre. Maintenance has been high on the agenda. Parts of the school have been repainted and pavers around the cottage levelled and boards on the Shearer's Quarters have been replaced. The security lights on all buildings have been upgraded to stop vandalism. Our finances are still sound and Peter thanked the Lions Club for their donation of $200 and Dianne Wood for the donation of $300 from the old Jandowae East School account. Peter is concerned with our dwindling numbers and we need the younger generations to step up to accept the management of the precinct. How can we attract new members to our Committee? Peter thanked all members of the committee for their dedication to making Athlone Heritage precinct an even better place for people to visit. Our thanks go to Jan Bickerton for her service to Athlone and we wish her happiness in her retirement at Hervey Bay.

Election of Office Bearers: Peter Saxelby thanked Peter for his excellent report and conducted the Election of Office Bearers.
President: Peter Ireland Margaret nominated, Ian Seconded. Carried
Vice President: Ian Gall. Heather nominated, Grace Seconded. Carried
Secretary: Heather. Doreen nominated, Peter Seconded. Carried
Treasurer: Margaret. Heather nominated, Ian Seconded. Carried

Our Committee is composed of the remaining members.