Minutes For Annual General Meeting 14/10/2023
For Jandowae District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and a special welcome was made to Megan James from WDRC who generously agreed to chair our meeting.

Present : Peter & Grace, Heather & Ian, Beryl, Doreen, Margaret.

Apologies: none

Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Heather. Heatherl moved and Ian seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report: Margaret presented and moved her annual report of Income and Expenditure. Cr balance $2353.75. Term Deposit $11,630.47. Seconded Beryl

President's Report: : Another successful Australia Day Breakfast was held and the Junior Rugby League men helped with the barbeque and once again the Brigalow Balladeers provided the entertainment. Our precinct is the main tourist attraction in Jandowae and it is well visited. We hosted morning tea for the Vintage Car Rally and visitors from the Big Sky Festival. Caravan clubs have also toured our precinct. WDRC hosted a "Meet the People" BBQ which was a successful evening. The committee continues to upgrade the precinct. Ned Kelly has been installed. Peter thanked Don for the support he has given over many years. The next project is to line and seal the second room in the Shearers Quarters so it can used for displays. Random incidents of theft and vandalism have been disappointing. The WDRC agreed to our request to maintain the gardens and lawns at Athlone as it has become too difficult for our small committee. We have the ongoing problem of attracting new committee members. Peter thanked his committee for their support and special thanks to Beryl for the dedication she has shown in looking after our gardens.
Ian moved a vote of thanks to Peter as he has done a fantastic job. Megan thanked Peter for his contribution to the heritage of Jandowae. She quoted "people without knowing the past history is like a tree without roots". Megan will talk to the team at the Council to help us develop strategies to get younger generations involved in our Association. How can we restructure to attract them is the burning question.

Election of Office Bearers: President: Peter Ireland Ian Gall nominated, Margaret Atkinson Seconded. Carried
Vice President: Ian Gall. Margaret Atkinson nominated, Grace Seconded. Carried
Secretary: Heather Gall. Grace Ireland nominated, Peter Seconded. Carried
Treasurer: Margaret Atkinson. Heather Gall nominated, Doreen Beard Seconded. Carried

Megan spoke about the master plan for the Jandowae Showgrounds and advised us to take an interest. It includes a strategy to go forward into the future, while respecting the past.