Jandowae and District Show Society Meeting
4th December 2006
opened 7.40 pm
Chair David Greenup.
Apologies: David Greenup, Kylie Brownhall, Maree Cameron, Kay Grundy
Present: Bill Dalzell, Margaret Atkinson(Secretary), Celia Geitz (Vice President),Bill Hoare (President),Ivan Grundy, Neville Schumann(Patron).

The previous brief minutes of the executive meeting were read.

Treasurer's Report accepted (moved by Bill, seconded by Ivan Grundy)

Letter from Dr Tony Balston requesting support for new medical facilities.
Reply confirming support sent

Letter from Tim and Deb Dixon confirming that they will attend the Show on 31st March with their Hot Rod set up, same cost as last year.
The Secretary too confirm that cost.

Letter from Joe Lewis the Magician confirming his attendance at the Show next year for $800.

Letter from Cruisin’ Cappuccinos confirming they will attend Show.

Letter sent to Equestrian Events Calendar, no reply as yet.

Letter from Tara Women’s Show Auxiliary, requesting judges in the following sections on 9th March 2007: Needlework/woolwork; Cookery;Art/Craft includes group activity; Horticulture/cut flowers/floral work/pot plant.
The Secretary will reply to say we will try to assist.
(They have offered to reciprocate this favour.)

Letter from Don Costa (music) pulling out of our Show as he did not wish to play in evening.

Letter from Jandowae Lions Club donating $100 to say thank you for allowing them to store auction goods at Show Storage facility.
The Secretary to thank them for the $100 by letter

54 letters to sponsors sent by the Secretary; who will continue with these letters and approach some new potential sponsors.

13 thank you letters for those people who sponsored the Melbourne Cup Lunch

E-mail from David Greenup listing costs for printing of schedules at Chinchilla. Ivan Grundy suggested we could save money by only sending the area in schedules that people requested e.g. stud cattle. The secretary Margaret agreed to print individual requests from computer as required at the cost of paper only.

Meeting notice from Darling Downs Sub-Chamber. Celia Geitz intended to attend but was unable to because of extenuating circumstances.

Gilbert Lang hads passed away. The Secretary to send a sympathy card to wife Kathy .

Show Announcer (2007)— Angus Lane has agreed to be the announcer at the next show but would be unable to do it in 2008 . Alf Smerdon to be approached by the secretary to announce at the 2007 show so that he may still be available in 2008. (It was decided not to approach the Showmans Guild of Australia)

General Business:

Melbourne Cup luncheon. There was a clear profit of $533.92. (Some variation as some costs not accounted for).
Entertainment byRock Eisteddfod Video presented by Students who provided back ground music... Fashion parade and various prizes.
There was a very good attendance and the day was enjoyed by all.Thanks to Maree Cameron, Kylie Brownhall, Janelle Woods, Margaret Atkinson, Leonie and Sonya who did the catering, Lilian Krog assisted at the door; with special mention that the organizing and shopping was taken care of in a most efficient manner.

White Ants near the Art section The secretary to inform Mr Curd of the Show Management Committee

A half page ad/editorial in next issue of Jandowae magazine outlining the Show for next year, including the new executive, entertainment etc and urge support for our Show; to be organsied by the secretary

Terry Arnold, musician from Chinchilla will be approached by Bill to perform at the show.

A big thanks to Janelle for organizing a Show float at the Lions club Fun night.

Lester will be organizing the Rodeo in the same way as the last Show.

Anthony Family Amusements: Bill Anthony from Tara has agreed to support the show with their presence.

A Working Bee (or two) will be organized by Ivan Grundy prior to the Show

Private Side Shows Providers will be contacted by the secretary using the advise of Colin Davis (46659151)

Meeting closed at 9.15pm Next meeting 15th January 2007

The meeting closed at 9.15pm

The Next Meeting 15th January 2007

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