Minutes Meeting Show Society Inc.

15th January 2007

In attendance-

David Greenup, Vice President, Kylie Brownhall, Treasurer, Celie Jeitz, Vice President, Margaret Atkinson, secretary.

Apologies- Maree Cameron, Bill Hoare.


Margaret read the minutes of previous meeting. Acceptance moved by Celie, seconded by Kylie.


Treasurer’s report submitted by Kylie, Moved by Margaret, seconded by David.


Agenda Items:  Margaret read report of activities carried out since previous meeting                                                           

Margaret reported that Schedule book completed and with printer. Contents of schedule can be found on Jandowae.com/events.


General business:   Margaret to send written invitation to all Stewards inviting them to next meeting to discuss various aspects of Show business and assist in planning for the day.


The committee agreed to engage Graeme Jensen as the Musician for the Show at a cost of  $900 plus GST.  Margaret to sign agreement and send $300 deposit.


The Rotary Club has kindly offered the Show Society the use of the Drinks stall on the day of their Fete which is 16th February. Margaret will investigate costs of drinks etc and obtain same. Maree and Kylie (if available) will man the stall. Any volunteers welcome and please contact Margaret.


There has been an offer of two marquees from Oakey and David will investigate how they can be picked up for the Show day.


Margaret to speak to Clint Nelson re actual time of the Dog Jumping show.


Margaret to investigate acquisition of ‘Face painting’ organization for the children.


Margaret to contact Judy Randall at Millers Dalby in regard to hosting a Fashion Parade in the afternoon of Show day... Kylie will be responsible for setting up walkway and music.


Margaret to contact Rotary re possible manning of Gate on the day of the Show.




Meeting closed 8.40pm.

Next meeting

5th February 2007

7.30pm. Cultural Centre

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