Apologies: Maree Cameron, Helen and Dudley Cronin, Maree Merker, Leonie Gadsby, Gary Krog, Kay Grundy.


In attendance: Neville Schumann (Patron) David Greenup (Vice President) Celie Geist (Vice President) Bill Hoare (President) Kylie Brownhall (Treasurer).Margaret Atkinson (Secretary)

Waveny Skinner, Ivan Grundy, Janelle Mittelstadt, Pam Wood, Nancy Evans, Ross Gersekowski. Lester Mittelstadt, Beryl Mckenna, Bill Dalzell, Ruth Sargent.


Minutes read by Margaret, accepted, moved  Bill Hoare, and seconded Kylie Brownhall.

Correspondence in/out : Read by Margaret , moved Bill Hoare, seconded Kylie Brownhall.

Treasurers Report: Presented By Kylie Brownhall. Moved Kylie Brownhall, Seconded Ivan Grundy.

Agenda Items:

 Steward’s discussion.

A discussion was held regarding the viability of having the Prime and Commercial Cattle section this year. Ross moved that due to drought conditions resulting in the lack of grain fed fat cattle, the section would be cancelled for 2007. Seconded by Lester.

Horse Section is Ok as Gary Krog has it in hand.



President’s luncheon. Margaret advised President of procedures and action to be taken by him to organize the luncheon. Margaret to issue invitations and tickets to the President and Secretary of each Show Society on the Darling Downs. A ticket and invitation to the President and Secretary of each of the nineteen Shows and the President of the Darling Downs Sub Chamber and Delegates. RSVP to the President.


Margaret’s report on activities since last meeting (see attached)


Schedules:  Margaret reported schedules completed and collected from printer at Chinchilla. Margaret will distribute bundles of 20 to Cultural Centre, Elders, Newsagency, Post Office and other appropriate places. Contact Margaret on 46685880 or email show@jandowae.com for a hard copy.


Rotary Fete stall. The Show will be manning a drinks stall at Rotary Fete on 16th Feb. Margaret is purchasing the drinks. Margaret will ask Graeme Nelson if we can cool the drinks in his frig. Drinks to be kept cool at the fete in Eskies. These will need to be borrowed from somewhere?


General Business :

 Leonie Gadsby, secretary of the Race Club committee requested that committee members and other interested parties attend a meeting at the Show ground on Thursday 8th Feb. at 8am to discuss termites. Margaret and Celie and possibility Beryl will attend.

Margaret will ring Ron Curd 46685343 to ask him to attend as well.


The application for liquor license has been enlarged from 2 pages to 19 pages. Lilian Krog has kindly offered to fill in the form and put application in after signing by Margaret. A photo copy to be kept for next year.


Lindsay Krieg from The Royal AG Force has offered her services to the Jandowae Show. David will approach Lindsay to request that she open the Show.


The President went through each Section of the Schedule, Pam Wood has judges organized as does Janelle and most of the other Stewards. Chinchilla is reciprocating for past favours.


Noel Crowle will be unable to attend as Steward for Wood work. If possible he will come but not sure. Margaret Will contact Vince Scouller and ask him to be Steward. If he is unable to attend, woodwork can be incorporated into Handicrafts.


Seating for the Rodeo to be picked up on Sunday 25th March Kylie and Bill are making arrangements for this.


Margaret to approach Karel Brownhall at the Kindy re the drinks stall. Margaret will write a letter. 5 Jimbour St. Jandowae.


Margaret  will write to Lions Club and Rotary regarding stalls they may wish to have at  Show.


Margaret  will Contact Kerry Bowman Hickey Street to see if she will be doing Hot Food this year.


Celie advised that Wendy Hill and Diane wood will be doing sandwiches and cups of tea on the 31st March.


Celie will be organizing lunch for judges and stewards on 30th March.


Margaret  To check with Lilian about who does the BBQ from 10am onwards on the 31st.


Margaret to investigate if we can get someone to do cooking demonstration this year as Ross has advised the meeting that the kitchen will be available for their use.


Margaret  to contact Gary Baines regarding cleaning the toilets on the Friday and throughout Saturday. Also suggest he may wish to be security person, overnight on the Thu. Kylie will purchase toilet paper.


Margaret to contact Kids Biz Toowoomba  re  Face Painting and see if we can book them for the Show




Margaret to write to Sheila and Roy Campbell of Warra St Jandowae, asking them if they would be so kind as to consider being Chief Stewards at the Pavilion on the 30th March.

There is to be a working bee on the weekends of the 17th and 18th March and the 24th and 25th March. Hopefully the Pavilion will get washed out by the Fire Brigade on the 21st March. Margaret will contact Troy Brownhall regarding this.


It has yet to be decided who will do the security watch for the nights of Thursday 29 and Friday 30th . Margaret will ask Gary Baine


Margaret  to write to Lions Club to advise them that they are very welcome to have their stall at the Show.


Margaret to contact Herald/Northern Downs News to do a feature about the Show.


Bill Hoare, President announced that due to unprecedented work commitments he would be resigning as President after Show Day.

Next Meeting: 5th March 2007

Meeting Closed at 10pm


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