MINUTES 5th March 7.30 pm



President Bill Hoare, Patron Neville Schumann,
Vice Presidents: David Greenup, Celie Jeitz, Maree Cameron,
Secretary Margaret Atkinson, Treasurer Kylie Brownhall .

Bill Dalzell, Ivan Grundy, Katy Grundy, Nancy Evans, Janelle Mittellstadt,  Lester Mittellstadt., Clint Nelson.



Read by Margaret, Moved by Bill H., Seconded by Kylie.


Correspondence In/Out-

Read by Margaret, Moved by Kylie, Seconded by Neville.


Treasurers Report:

Submitted by Kylie, Moved Clint, seconded by Lester.


Accounts for Payment.  Submitted by Kylie, moved by Clint, seconded by Lester.



Show preparation tasks-

Ken Krog will pick up the marquee from Reliance Petroleum and Carrick Ashmead on the 29th March, plus the Port-a-loo from Master Hire.


The picking up of the Black Toyota 46911033 Marquee and A&B Grains 4691 1211 abg@abgrains.com.au, marquee from Oakey will be organized by David or Clint or Brett and his team. Please note that it is important to ring those companies first to find out exactly where the marquees are located.


BBQ at Show. Meat to be ordered at Nelsons and 50 doz bread rolls, 10 sandwich loaves bread. Margaret will order bread etc and speak to Bill Wood to see if he will coordinate BBQ.


Hot Food evening meal. This will be co-coordinated by Diane Wood and Lillian Krog and Peggy Greenup will assist.  Margaret is requesting various people to cook a dish. So far, Peggy Greenup, Kerri Bowman, Heather Gall, Lillian Krog. Margaret will continue to recruit volunteers.


Food is to be served for the bar after the Rodeo. Kylie has stated that we will serve mince in rolls and any left over food from BBQs etc till the food ran out.


There is to be a sausage sizzle for the workers at the working bee the 2 weekends prior to the show.ie 17th and 18th and 24th and 25th March. Bread and onions to be obtained as well as sausages. Margaret will make a cake or 2.


Bill H. will slash the Showgrounds prior to the Show and assist at the working bees. It was agreed to repair the stair newel leading into the office for safety reasons. This to be done at the time of the working bee.


Ray and Sheila have agreed to be Chief Stewards and Sheila has requested that everyone stick to all the rules of judging and stewardship.


Bill H. advised that the Presidents lunch on 31st is all being organized and under control.


The Show Dinner on the night of March 3rd was a success. During the afternoon, 31 applicants presented themselves to Mick and Cheryl Cosgrove for Miss Showgirl, Show Princess, Junior Princess and Minor Princess. The judging was held at Athlone cottage.

At the dinner there were 102 through the door, plus the 31 entrants, plus the kitchen staff and judges. The winners for 2007:

Show GirlSheree Hayward (who works at Taralga)
Show PrincessSamantha Blinco
Junior PrincessLyndell Mittelstadt
Minor Princess Brynie Zeller.

A big thank you to the CWA for meals. And a big Thank you to Caroline for the organizing of Miss Showgirl. Sue Wilson was an invaluable help with administration etc.and thank you to Celie for assistance with the afternoon tea at Athlone Cottage.

 After costs, there was a profit of $1043.


All Stewards present were able to confirm that they had judges lined up for the day.


There was a discussion regarding the volunteer security. Neville and Bill Dalzell have put their hand up. This will be done in 4 hour shifts 6pm to 10pm. 10pm till 2am. 2am till 6am for the Thursday and Friday night. Margaret to approach Gary and Philip to volunteer for one of those shifts. Any other volunteers welcome.


Clint Nelson will be unable to do the Dog Show but is organizing a replacement to do it. He will advise who it is. The dog Show still at 4.30pm.


The Grand Parade is at 2pm.


There will be a horse and carriage at the Grand Parade. The Carriage is from the 1930’s and was once the Drs carriage. It is owned by Gordon Smith from Taralga and staff at Taralga have organized for storage at Jandowae, repairs and so on. Kerrie who works at Taralga will be driving the carriage.


Margaret is to do up a program of all events plus ads for the announcer throughout the day.

Margaret to talk to Graham Nelson about advertising.


Stewards to be at Horse Ring by 8am


Membership fees: All those Show members who have not paid their membership fees were asked to do so.


Margaret’s Report: attached to minutes.



A discussion was held in regard to a letter from two Councilors requesting assistance to keep Timbertown going. It was decided that one person from the Show Society would attend the meeting on 22nd March. Bill H. has volunteered to attend. And if Timbertown continues on, one member will attend their meetings when held but not be on the Management Committee as the Show Society committee was stretched to the limit now.


Meeting closed at 9.10pm

Next meeting Monday 2nd April 7.30 pm Cultural Centre

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