Margaret’s report for meeting Monday 7thth May


Enolled at least 10 new members at the Show. including our Miss Showgirl Sheree Hayward.

Posted endless ‘post Show Bills’ after the Show and still coming in, though we think only the Ambulance bill left, which I believe is only for 5 hours rather than the quoted 6 hours.

Have posted approximately 50 ‘thank you letters to sponsors and judges and others. Please advise me if you know anyone who was left out. A general thank you to all concerned was placed in the paper. (See Margaret fro copy if you haven’t seen it.


Letter of grant received from ANZ advising that Seeds of Renewal Grants Program is offering up to $10000 in grants for drought affected areas. I have applied under the category ‘Social” for $10000 to have a memorable 2008 Show.   


All sponsorship promises seem to have been honored except Ergon.


Have sent date claimer to Jandowae Magazine and the Chronicle. Plus sent article to the Chronicle about the Show which has been printed. Also sent Show article to Jandowae Mag which is in this month’s edition.


QCAS sent a mountain of paperwork which has to be responded to by June 1. Kylie and I are currently working on this. [ 



Olivia rang enquiring as to whether the results from the Breed Rings had been sent to each of the Breed Societies; I passed this query to Lilian who said it would be attended to even though it had not been done fro the last 8years!


Some amusing incidents on Show Day.-

 9year old- “How much money do I get for getting first prize” me- “First prize in what?”  girl “My bookmark” me- “You get to feel really proud of yourself”


Man- “I’ve come to collect my winning trophies for horticulture”. me- “What did you win the prizes for?” man- “I don’t know”.

Minutes 7/5/07 Show Society Clubs Map Services Events Citizens