Minutes MAY 7th 2007 Jandowae Show Society.


Welcome to all members including new member Sheree Hayward Miss Showgirl 2007.

Apologies- Bill Hoare, Nancy Evans.

Present – Kylies Brownhall, Neville Schumann, Maree Cameron, Bill Dalzell, Celie Jeitz, David Greenup, Margaret Atkinson .


Minutes of previous meeting  read by Margaret , moved by Kylie, seconded by Maree.

Correspondence in and out, read by Margaret. Moved by Margaret seconded by Kylie.


Treasure’s report submitted by Kylie. Moved by Kylie, seconded by Margaret.

A special vote of thanks taken for Kylie for doing such a good job with our financial business.


While a profit was not actually made on the day of the Show, we did come close to meeting costs. However our overall profit for the year is app. $6000.


A special note of thanks to all involved in helping make the Show such a successful day.


David is to give  Margaret a list of names of those we still need to send letters of thanks to.



Margaret read Secretary’s monthly report.


A discussion was held regarding the request from the Lion’s Club to be involved in Oktoberfest. Everyone will put their thinking caps on to see if we can come up with an idea for a stall. Many stalls have already been spoken for.


Grant Application. Margaret has submitted an application to FRRR Seeds of Renewal, who are offering grants of up to $10000. The request was made under the category of ‘social’ with a view to providing a spectacular 2008 Show as it is the 60th Show in Jandowae. The goal being to uplift the spirits of the community during this drought.

General business.  

Entertainment for 2008 60th Show. A musician has been hired from Chinchilla for next year.


Various ideas discussed regarding events for the next Show. Kylie will be researching possibilities.


A discussion regarding fundraising was held, various good ideas were put forward.


More discussion on this at next meeting.


Meeting closed 9pm

Next meeting Monday June 4 2007

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