Jandowae and District Show Society
The Annual General Meeting for the Jandowae and District Show Society was chaired by Neville Schumann on the 8th August at the Cultural Centre with an attendance of nineteen.
Neville Schumann was re elected as Patron of the Show.
Lilian Krog resigned as Secretary after 28 years of service.
Celia Jeitz resigned as President after 3 years of service and remains as a Vice President.
Janine Luck resigned as Treasurer after 1 year of service
David Greenup was reelected as Vice President
Maree Cameron elected as Vice President.
Kylie Brownhall was elected as Treasurer.
Margaret Atkinson was elected as Secretary.
Assistant secretary T.B.A.
The new President will be decided at the next meeting on 4th September.
The next annual Show will be held on March 31, 2007. Gate admission will be
Adult $9.00 Secondary student $5 Primary student $2 Family pass $20 Under 5yrs Free.
Membership fee letters will be sent out by the end of August.
New members are most welcome.
Cost Of Membership$7.00 single$14.00 a couple$2.00 school students
Trade space
$4 per metre outside $6 per metre inside
Next Show Society Meeting will be held September 4th at the cultural Centre.
Any enquiries can be directed to Margaret Atkinson Secretary 46685880. Email: show@jandowae.com.
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