2011 Annual General Meeting
for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc. (August 1st)

Present: M. Atkinson. D, Tanner, I. Rasmussen, S.Wilson, D.Greenup, L & K Krog, I.Grundy, G.Sturgess, Sue Schrag(new member)

Apologies: K & I Russell, K.Grundy, N.Schumann, H.Gall, R. Sargent, M.Cameron, G.Franz, Rev.C.Sherrard

Meeting Chaired: by Lillian Krog(Patron)

President's Report: read by I Rasmussen, moved as adopted by I Rasmussen seconded by I.Grundy Carried. .

L Krog and M Atkinson congratulated I Rasmussen on the report and thanked him on behalf of all the members for his valuable contribution and support to the Show Society. I Rasmussen and L Krog presented M Atkinson with a beautiful gift in appreciation of her efforts as Secretary for the Show Society over the last five years.

Minutes Of Previous AGM: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by M Atkinson, seconded by G. Sturgess Carried. .

Treasure's Report: presented by D Tanner. The report be accepted was moved by D Tanner , seconded by D Greenup. Carried. .

New Auditor: is Simon Darley of TEAMAS Redcliffe, Queensland.

Election Of Office Bearers:

President: Ian Rasmussen nominated by M. Atkinson, seconded by I. Grundy Carried
Secretary: Sue Schrag nominated by I Grundy, seconded by M Atkinson Carried
Treasurer: D. Tanner nominated by S Wilson, seconded by G. Sturgess. Carried.
Vice Presidents: M Cameron nominated by M. Atkinson seconded by S Wilson Carried
S. Wilson nominated by D. Greenup seconded by I Grundy Carried
I. Grundy nominated by L. Krog seconded by M Atkinson Carried
Patron: L. Krog nominated by M. Atkinson, seconded by I Grundy. Carried

Membership Fees: Decision deferred until September meeting

Gate Entrance Fee: Decision deferred until September meeting

Secretary Stipend : $1000 to be paid to M Atkinson. Moved by I. Grundy, seconded by G Sturgess Carried
D. Tanner to issue cheque so that a receipt can be issued to confirm M Atkinson donated it back to the Show Society

Treasurer Stipend : $400 to be paid to D Tanner. Moved by M.Atkinson. Seconded G.Sturgess. Carried.

Meeting Closed at 8.20pm.

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