Jandowae & District Show Society
Minutes Monday 2nd February 2009

Present: Neville Schumann, David Greenup, Celie Jeitz, Maree Cameron, Ivan Grundy, Katy Grundy, Lilian Krog, Donna Tanner, Sue Wilson, Gladys  Franz, Nancy Evans, Janelle Mittelstadt, Lester Mittelstadt, Margaret Atkinson.

Apologies: Kylie Brownhall,

Previous Minutes: Read by M. Atkinson;  moved as accepted by M. Atkinson seconded N. Schuman. Carried

Correspondence: Read by Margaret. Moved  as accepted by Margaret, seconded by I Grundy. Carried

Treasurer Report:  Moved as accepted by D Greenup, seconded by Sue Wilson. Carried

  Accounts for payment. Moved as accepted by M Cameron, Seconded by L. Krog, Carried

Correspondence: Moved as accepted by M Atkinson, seconded by K Grundy. Carried

Business Arising:

Alf Smerdon has advised that he cannot compare the Show this year. This will be done by some Stewards and Neville Schumann.

Trophy for Supreme Champion Hack will no longer be supplied by Ray Hopper MP, but by  Howard Hobbs MP as a silver tray.


1. Entertainment . Booked and confirmed.

·        RSPCA EMU Mobile Unit

·        Mel the Magician

·        Bunjee Jumping

·        Continuous Puppet Show

·        Roving Reptiles

·        Old MacDonalds Farm

·        Bill Anthony from Tara  has will provide several features.

·         Noel McGregor (Guild) to advise of any other feature. .

M. Atkinson  to contact : Jack and Molly(the dog) Janelle to advise contact details;  to book Helen West the Pumpkin Seeds lady; to book Big Red Bus.

Mrs Heather Gall will be acting treasurer and cheque signatory from the 2nd March 2009 to the April meeting on April 6th 2009,  moved S Wilson seconded M Cameron. Carried

M Atkinson  advised that Security was booked and to begin at 4pm

M Atkinson to order seven sets of seats for Rodeo from Dalby Show, and book a truck from Les Marshall to pick them up

L Krog advised of amended bar opening times for this year - . Open 11am and close at midnight.

L Krog will run the bar as she attended  the Responsible Service of Alcohol course. She will be assisted by Charmaine Giles along with two young men who will perform the heavy lifting.

L Krog will hire Port-A-Loo for the Horse Section.

A paper guillotine has been donated for the office by M Atkinson.

 Woolworths have donated four $50 vouchers.

D Greenup is to put together a list of tasks to be done during the weekdays prior to the Show, so that volunteers can be directed to where needed most.

D Greenup to look after Fire Brigade.

M Atkinson to ask for Alcohol supply tenders  from all three hotels.

 M Atkinson to ask Arthur Sherriff (from the Five Star Handimarket)  for a quote for the supply of bread  and bread rolls

S Wilson reported that  the Miss Showgirl competition lacked a Miss Show Girl but the competition will continue.  The Cultural Centre has been booked and the Judges are Lyn and Bev Taylor. QCWA will be catering. A raffle of Portable Picnic Set. Doors open 6pm. with M Atkinson to assist at door and  P Atkinson to take photos of entrants appearing at the Golf Club.

K Grundy has kindly agreed to do the Fashion parade again this year and will research which shops will supply clothes.

M Atkinson to collect  the names of those who did not receive Awards last year.

C Jeist has  agreed to run 'Guess the weight of the Bull' again this year  with the assistance of  G Nelson, and other members.

N Evans will publish an article about the Jandowae Show in the Dalby Herald on the 13th March and Northern Downs News on the 19th March

M. Atkinson  to put Show flyers around town this week.

D Tanner and G Franz advised they have distributed flyers of the Scarecrow Competition to a myriad of places.

The Stewards present advised that Judges were booked for Art, Produce, Floral Art, Cattle and Culinary.

N Evans to invite N Volker to be a Photography judge; with a new cardboard to replace old on Photography wall.

D Greenup advised that unless a chief steward be found for Arts and Craft the Handiwork Section would be display only.

M Atkinson to confirm  the names of judges and supply them with complimentary tickets.

M Atkinson advised that an ambulance is booked to cover the Rodeo and a mini ambulance display has been requested.


Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Next meeting Monday March 2nd  at 7.30pm at the Culural centre.




Show Society




