Jandowae & District Show Society
Minutes Monday 2nd March 2009

Present: :  George Sturgess, Sue Wilson, Margaret Atkinson, Kylie Brownhall, Heather Gall, David Greenup, Neville Schumann, Celie Jeitz,  Lilian Krog,  Gladys Franz, Katy Grundy, Ivan Grundy, Donna Tanner.

Apologies: Nancy Evan, Maree Cameron

Previous Minutes: Read by M. Atkinson;  moved as accepted by M. Atkinson seconded I. Grundy. Carried

Correspondence: Read by M. Atkinson. Moved  as accepted by M. Atkinson, seconded by L. Krog. Carried

Treasurer Report:  Moved as accepted by K. Brownhall, seconded by M. Atkinson. Carried

Accounts for payment. Moved as accepted by S. Wilson, Seconded by I. Grundy. Carried


Booking of Ambulance confirmed. Payment when invoice received.

President’s Lunch on Show day. The President will not be able to attend but whichever Vice President is available at the time, will take his place. The luncheon will be finger food and will be held in the Show office area. Sue has the menu in hand. M. Atkinson will ensure that Ray Brown is in attendance. The Show will not be opened formally as logistically difficult to do so. 

Name list for Appreciation of service awards. Some names have been submitted. Contact M. Atkinson if anyone who has other names. M. Atkinson to advise recipients of ceremony.

Chief Steward: Due to the fact that we have no Chief Steward this year, a roster has been drawn up.  

                            Sue Wilson 9 to ll.

                            Judy Kelly 11 to 2

                            Helen Cronin 2 to 4

                            Carolyn Sherrard 4 to 6.

L Krog has suggested that we engage someone experienced to assist C Sherrard. M. Atkinson will speak to someone from the Craft club to do this.

Night Watchman. Gary Baines will only be available up till the Wed. Prior to the Show We will engage Garry for toilet duties on the Wednesday. Paul Price will do some night watchman duties but we urgently need someone to share that job as well as toilet cleaning duties.

Working Bees Sat 7th 7.30am. Pews to be painted, staple has been bought. I Grundy and Rod have done the bulk of the painting. Some white painting still to be done. Paint and brushes required, C Jeitz will make sandwiches. Secretary will bring cake.

A thank you to be sent to Rod Dolley.

Fire Brigade to hose out on the 10th  and then the Tuesday before then show.

Brett will speak to Les Marshall re truck. Secretary will ring Leath re arranging time to pick up rodeo benches. Secretary to do 14 signs “ Sit on top row at own risk” for top benches.

Presidents Lunch. President will be unable to attend. All those who are to receive award will be invited. Secretary to request that Ray Brown hand out awards. Sue Wilson to oversee lunch requirements.

Steward Handicraft Janice Donald is apprenticeship steward for Handicraft this year. L Krog will advise the procedures to Janice.

Stewards/Judges lunch   C Jeitz has requested that people bring a slice to help with the lunch arrangements.

Scarecrow. D Tanner to place in strategic positions around town such as bank, library and Memorial Hall to attract people to the Show.

Alcohol Tender. The most competitive hotel was Jandowae Hotel. Secretary will write to Brad and inform him.

BBQ  Secretary to write to Rotary request use of same.

Hands free microphone. Secretary to ask Doug Henning for same.


Meeting closed 9.30pm

Next meeting Monday April 6th  at 7.30pm at the Cultural centre.




Show Society




