Minutes Show Society meeting Mon 4th Feb 2008

Present: Neville Schumann, Kylie Brownhall, Kate and Ivan Grundy, Bull Dalzell, David Greenup, Sue Wilson, Margaret Atkinson, Nancy Evans.

Apologies: Celie Jeitz, Maree Cameron.

Minutes read by Margaret, moved by Kylie, seconded by Sue. Carried.

Treasurers report. Moved by Kylie, seconded by Ivan Carried.

Correspondence read by Margaret. Moved by David, seconded by Sue. Carried.

Margaret’s report read by Margaret, moved by Margaret, seconded by David. Carried.

Agenda items.

In response to Rotary letter re: drinks stall, Margaret has written back and offered our services to do the drinks store for them as a gesture of good will. Kylie Margaret and Katy will do the stall.

Margaret to contact Mr. Wayne Woollet at the Fire Brigade re: cleaning of the pavilion on the Wednesday before Show week as well as the Wednesday in Show week.

Margaret to contact Dalby Show re borrowing of stands for Rodeo

Margaret to write to Les Marshall to borrow truck and trailer to pick up stands from Dalby. Brett Brownhall will drive said truck.

David to contact Lisa to see if possible to have Pony Club on Show Day as we are now in Green zone.

Margaret to contact Bungee Jumping organizer to confirm booking and arrange their accommodation

A discussion about borrowing panels from Bell Show to have cattle dog trials. Decided the logistics would be too difficult. Margaret will contact Pat Tylon and say thank you but we are not doing it.

Margaret to contact Guild regarding what events and particularly Rock climbing.

Margaret to write and confirm that the Pumpkin seed lady will come.

Margaret to write to Morris dancers to dance at the Presidents lunch while Governor at lunch.

Margaret to contact and book the Heeler Comedy Team for half day at $750.

Margaret to confirm if Owen Davis is having his Ice-Cream van at Show.

Margaret to contact Scouts to see if they still wish to have site for Face Painting, even though Di Bidstrip no longer available.

Katy Grundy gave us the good news that Millers and Crossroads are going to come for fashion parade.

Margaret to write to Lions Club re borrowing tent for fashion parade, plus confirm their usual booking.

Sue Wilson gave a report regarding the Miss Showgirl contest. All is under control. Sue is still seeking more nominations.

The Cultural centre has been booked. Assistance with afternoon tea is provided. Barry O’Shea has confirmed that he and Eileen will do judging and attend the dinner. Lilian to compere the event with the girls on the evening of the Show girl dinner. CWA to cater and we give them $100 donation. Philip Atkinson and Nancy Evans will do photographs. Sue and maybe Sheree Hayward will be at the door. The petrol voucher raffle tickets will be sold at the door. Kylie is buying gifts for the princesses. It was suggested a small certificate be done up. The Show pays for Miss Showgirl dinner as well as for the judges. Children under primary age to be charged $3. Primary School children $5.

The Governor as a guest has been all finalized apart from sending the guest list to her Aide-de-camp. Darryl Donald will collect and return her to airport and dine with her. Tent for lunch supplied by Reliance Petroleum Toowoomba who will deliver same, day before Show.

Whoever is elected as the new Mayor will be invited as well as all the life members.

Margaret to start drawing up guest list and designing invitations. Sue has a sample to show Margaret.

Uniting Church will cater for the lunch.

Josie —? nominated as a life member by Kylie Brownhall, seconded by Nancy Evans, all were in favour. Carried.

Waveney Skinner nominated as a life member by Sue Wilson, seconded by Neville Schumann. All were in favour. Carried.

Ivan Grundy nominated as a life member by Margaret Atkinson, seconded by Bill Dalzell. All were in favour. Carried.

A discussion was held as to whether this list might be increased; this discussion will be continued at next meeting.

Working bees were discussed for the Show grounds. Easter is a bit of a problem as some people may be away. Morning of Monday 24th in Showground was decided as there is much to be done.

It is very important that as many members as possible attend the next meeting as it is the last formal meeting before Show day.

Meeting closed 9pm Next meeting Monday March 3rd 7.30 pm

—Margaret Atkinson 6/2/08

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