Margaret’s Report for Feb 4th 2008

Spoke to Leona Gadsby regarding sink in office building. The Show committee are not in favour of it due to cost. I said I would pay for it and then it was agreed to. I explained where it would be located and that was agreed to. No building to be going on over Races period. Agreed by me. Advised David of this.

Sue Wilson has raffle tickets for $200 worth of petrol. Flyers for same distributed round town.  Left over tickets will be sold at Showgirl Dinner.

Minutes done and posted or emailed to committee.

David advised that we are now able to have the Prime cattle as Alex Haig has agreed to do it. This has now been included in schedule.

Spoke to Clint Nelson and Brent. Brent will do dog jumping.

Rang Council regarding pick up of Governor from airport Dalby. Darryl Donald will be picking her up, bringing her to the Show and having lunch with her.

Sent form back to James Lister Aide-de-Camp regarding Show day and the Governor.

Contacted several people and firms and Wambo regarding a large marquee for President and Governor’s lunch. Finally got one from Reliance Petrol in Toowomba who will also deliver it the day before.

Kylie has advised me that the Uniting Church will do the catering for the Presidents lunch. Finger food and tables and chairs with white block tablecloths. Please lend if you have any (put name tag on)/ will be laundered and returned by me (unironed).

Peggy Greenup will be the escort of the Governor.

Sue Wilson has the Miss Showgirl event all under control. There was a hiccup with the judging as Angus unavailable. Barry and Eileen O’Shea have agreed to do it. Sue is sending him Rules for Judges.

The Cultural centre has been booked for that day.

An ad placed in Jandowae Mag regarding Miss Showgirl.

Left message on Jenny Rennick's Phone to include same information in School Mag.

Sent Sympathy card from Show Society to Dulcie Wallace on the death of her husband Jim.

Replied to Rotary letter in regard to their invitation to have a drinks stall at Rotary Fete. Said that as a gesture of good will, the Show will man the stall for them this year and they can make the profit as they have been so good to us.

Liaising with Chinchilla News about printing of the Schedule, which has required many hours of work to put together. They will get back with a price. They will give a discount to put their ad in the schedule.

The Schedule is available on line at on the Internet.

Kylie and I spoke to Pat Tynon about Blue cattle dogs and cattle and barriers. We may be able to borrow theirs. She will take it to the meeting which is the night after our meeting. Watch this space!

Sent plenty of space forms

Wrote to Alf Smerdon to clarify his attendance as Announcer at our Show.

Finally liaised with Chinchilla news re printing of schedule. First quote was $1344, I thought that was a bit high so they reduced it to $1238 a saving of $104. Also I agreed to give them an ad in the schedule for $35, which makes a saving of $139.

I agreed to a last minute request from Mr. Hopper to put a quarter page ad in schedule as he is donating $100 as a bronze sponsor.

Lorraine Keating who usually has an ice cream van will not be at the Show this year due to other commitments.

Margaret Atkinson —Feb 4th 2008

Minutes 04/02/2008 Show Society Clubs Map Services Events Notices