Minutes 5th October 2009
for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc.

Present: Sue Wilson, Margaret Atkinson, Reverend Carolyn Sherrard, Lillian Krog, George Sturgess, Kate Russell and Ian Russell.

Apologies: David Greenup Donna Tanner, Neville Schumann, Kylie Brownhall, Maree Cameron. Heather Gall, Celie Jeitz .

Minutes Of Previous Meeting: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by M Atkinson, seconded by S. Wilson. Carried. .

Correspondence: Read by M Atkinson (in D Tanner's absence) . Moved by M Atkinson, 2nd by L. Krog. Carried. .

Treasurer's Report : Read by M Atkinson (in D Tanner's absence). Moved by M Atkinson, 2nd by S Wilson. Carried.

New Vice-President: M Atkinson welcomed C Sherrard .

General Business:
   Melbourne Cup luncheon-

Sue reported on catering arrangements, menu, table decorations and assistance available to help in kitchen. Catering for app. 60

Margaret reported ad in Jandowae Magazine, front page.

Margaret will man the door.

No baby sitter as yet to look after the children.

George offered to do P.A. system with Mike Kane and TV. and suggested a ‘Lucky Spot “ prize and kindly donated $50 as the prize.

Lillian and Margaret and Sue donating prizes for raffle and lucky door prize, Kate also offered a prize.

Lillian will do the sweeps

Doors open 10am

Next Meeting: As it was due the eve of the Melbourne Cup lunch, it was decided to cancel that meeting and meet Monday 7th December, 2009, 7.30 PM at the Cultural Centre

Meeting Closed: 8.20pm.

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