Minutes 7th December 2009
for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc.

Present: Margaret Atkinson, Katy Grundy, Donna Tanner, Ivan Grundy.

Apologies: Celie Jeitz, Sue Wilson, Neville Schumann, David Greenup, Maree Cameron, Lillian Krog, Gladys Franz.

Minutes Of Previous Meeting: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by M Atkinson, seconded by S. Wilson. Carried. .

Correspondence: Read by M Atkinson. Moved as accepted by I Grundy, 2nd by K. Grundy Carried. .

Treasurer's Report : Read by D Tanner. Moved as accepted by D. Tanner, 2nd by M. Atkinson. Carried.

D Tanner reported that the Melbourne Cup lunch made a profit of $429, members need to consider if it is worth all the effort to do it again. K Grundy suggested that similar profits could be made from a street stall.

M. Atkinson reported that Powerlink had given us a grant of $2,125 for the planting of 50 shade trees and that the request for funds to paint the pavilion and office had been rejected. M. Atkinson to fill in the form and return with thank you letter.

M. Atkinson advised that many membership fees had been returned along with some generous donations. M. Atkinson will do receipts and bank same this week.

Western Downs Regional Council donated $200 for Champion Painting 2010 Show. Ergon also donated $200 for same.

A report by Lillian Krog on the day the Council took reps of all Shows on bus tour to all Showgrounds, will be presented at next meeting.

M. Atkinson will contact Kate Russel re: proof reading schedule. A proof copy was sent to Kate to check, which must be done before ordering the 500 booklets (was 600 last year).

Showgrounds — K Grundy mentioned that the toilet changes will have to be started soon and we need to organize working-bees soon as possible after Christmas.

Ruth Sargent has volunteered to attend to shelving in Floral Art section.

D Tanner will contact Don Cramer to see if we can have a static display of a Gyrocopter.

A tentative verbal proposal to have a Dog Show has been received, along with a promise of a payment.

M. Atkinson to investigate, costs and feasibility of having Viv and Maurice’s shearing display and interactive animals for the children.

Next Meeting: Monday 11th January, 2010, 7.30 PM at the Cultural Centre

Meeting Closed: 8.30pm.

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