Jandowae Show Society Minutes
January 7th 2008

Apologies:  Katy Grundy, Maree Cameron`

Present Celie Jeitz, Nancy Evans, Ivan Grundy, Kylie Brownhall, David Greenup, Sue Wilson, Margaret Atkinson.

Minutes: read by Margaret, moved by Margaret, seconded by Celie. Carried.

Correspondence in/out.: Read by Margaret Moved by Kylie, seconded by Nancy, Carried.

Margaret to ring The Heeler Comedy Team for pricing and book if reasonable.

Treasurers Report: Presented by Kylie, Moved by Kylie, seconded by Ivan. Carried. 

Agenda: Margaret’s report read.

Schedule: Margaret read a list of item as yet to be completed for the schedule. A discussion followed.   

Item (7) Needlework, to be left as is.

(11) Photography Nancy advised. – Page 45  delete “and thus ineligible “ Also for Champ. Photograph change Sponsor Also the Pavilion Judging times say 12.30AM, should be PM. Also Judging is on Fri 28th, not  Sat 29th

QCWA- Young Paraders comp. Leave as is

Young Judges. Leave as is.

Dog jumping, to be clarified this week, Margaret will talk to Clint

Miss Showgirl

Old Boots competition will also include Old Hat.

(2) Prime Commercial Cattle. No one willing to take responsibility for this event, although some are willing to help. David will clarify this by Thursday this week, if no takers, the event will not be held.

(3) Stud Cattle  David to finalise this week.

(4) Farm Produce. Leave as is.

(6) Horticulture .Leave as is

(7) Amusements Rodeo 6pm. Others to be itemized by Margaret this week  for printing.

Program cannot be done till week of Show.

Further adjustments waiting clarification. Sue to Contact Jean Curd re:trophy in culinary(page 26). Lyn Barlow Trophy, (p31), Kylie to contact Max to see if he wishes to continue.

Sue spoke about Show Princess,. Sue has all the paperwork. Ad to be placed in Jandowae Mag for Feb. Margaret and Sue to liaise re wording of Ad.. Sue advised that Caroline will be involved , though her time may be limited due to the fact that Caroline is also planning for her wedding.

David will request that Angus Lane be the Judge this year so as to have a different Judge each year.

Margaret reported that the Governor Ms Quentin Bryce will attend the Show this year as per letter with protocol rules attached. Margaret to fill in form and send to Aide de Camp, James Lister. There is a small problem regarding the form as they require the name and contact number of the Mayor to pick them up from the airport. However elections are to be held after the deadline to send the form in , so we won’t know the name of the Mayor. Margaret will ring Mick Cosgrove and seek advice.. Peggy Greenup has agreed to attend to the Governor s her escort as David too busy.

It was decided that we would obtain a marquee to hold the luncheon. Margaret to contact Luck Ford to request marquee and get size., failing that consult with Lilian. 

It was also agreed by most that we need a sink at the Showground office for reasons of health and safety when holding a lunch. . Margaret is donating a sink. Margaret to ring Leona Gadsby again re this matter and to get the approval of the Showground committee. David will contact Ross regarding cabinet for sink and Ivan will assist with plumbing if feasible.

It was decided that the luncheon would be finger food. As most people associated with  catering at the Show will be too busy to do the luncheon, and our regular person is unable to do it, Kylie will approach Domiciliary. The plan is that the Show pay for all the food and pay catering cost of $150. If  Domiciliary are unable to assist Kylie will approach other organizations.

Sue and Margaret have offered to assist with solid white tablecloths, more will be needed.

Margaret to write to our announcer Alf Smerdon to confirm his attendance same as last year. It was mentioned that without the horse events he might not have enough to talk about. However promises of promotion of sponsors must be kept.

Sue Wilson advised that Waveney was organizing the old lace and craft work from the past and that this would be exhibited in the Pavilion.

Margaret advised that June Schrag had given her old photos of past exhibits. Sue is going to seek out more memorabilia. Lilian is putting together a history for the 60th Show. Sue advised that Dalby Family History may have info we could use. Margaret will investigate.

A discussion by Kylie saying that the Jondaryan  wool shed is interested in exhibiting blue cattle dog sheep trials.  Kylie will look further into this. David concerned about barriers to stop sheep escaping in the ring.

Next Meeting 04/02/08

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