Minutes 7th September 2009
for Jandowae and District Show Society Inc.

Present: Sue Wilson, Donna Tanner, Ivan Grundy, Neville Schumann, Celie Jeitz, Margaret Atkinson, David Greenup, Janelle Mittelstadt, Lillian Krog, George Sturgess, Heather Gall, Lester Mittelstadt, Nancy Evans, Megan Cartwright.

Apologies: Kylie Brownhall, Gary and Maree Krog, Katy Grundy.

Minutes Of Previous Meeting: Read by M. Atkinson. The minutes as read be accepted was moved by M Atkinson, seconded by N Schuman. Carried. .

Correspondence: Read by M Atkinson. The correspondence as read be accepted was moved by M Atkinson, seconded by S Wilson. Carried. .

Treasurer’s Report : As at Annual General meeting
Accounts for payment: Showground Committee for electricity and rent.
Northern Downs news for advertising.
Aland and Co, Auditing account.
Accounts be paid, moved by N Schuman, seconded by G Sturgess. Carried. .

General Business:
Margaret reported that she had applied to Powerlink for a grant to have the Pavilion and Office painted and for the purchase of 50 mature shade trees. Margaret had obtained 8 letters in support of the application.
Lillian and Sue discussed the meeting at the RSL Hall instigated by Council. Information regarding contacts at the council, grants, funding etc.
A discussion regarding giving the public information about how much it costs to run the Show was held. It was decided that Margaret would write the article and Nancy agreed to have it printed for us.
Sue Wilson offered to sell pre paid Show tickets at the Post Office. Pensioners can get a reduction in entrance cost by becoming members.
Initial plans for the Melbourne cup lunch were made. The Golf Club has been booked. Sue and Lillian and Janelle will discuss the menu.
Lillian will do the sweeps.
George has offered to organize the P.A system and TV coverage for the Melb. Cup race.
Sue to invite Domiciliary group.
Margaret will do the door.
Margaret will place coloured ad ¼ page in Oct edition of Jandowae Mag.
Cost of lunch to remain at $15
Best Hat and Best Dressed comp.
Having someone to mind the children will be investigated.
A discussion for the Show was held.
Megan Cartwright spoke about a Truck show. This would be organized by Darren.
Pet Parade, Megan to look at feasibility of same.
Jack and his dog Molly to be booked. Janelle will give Margaret contact details.
Bookings for Bunjy jumping, Mr Sprenger the Clown
New puppeteer to be found.
Lester to organise Rodeo.
Donna advised that there would be a swaggie competition .in line with the Australian theme “A Sunburnt Country” for the Art Section.

Next Meeting at the Cultural Centre 7.30pm Monday October 5th, 2009.

Meeting Closed: 9.15pm. Supper provided.

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