Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Xmas Meeting Minutes At Dalby Police Station (02/11/2016)

Present:: Corrina Broad, Constable Craig Ellis, Philip and Margaret Atkinson, Celeste Nelson, Bevan and Mary von Cronin, Mike Wilson, Cheryl Schwerin, Cynthia Harling, Johnny Grealy.

Apologies: Ray and Daph Polzin, Brian McNamara, Helen and Dudley Cronin.

Previous Meeting: Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Cheryl Schwerin,Carried

Treasurers report: Ray absent, no change. Balance $1287.97.

Correspondence: read by Margaret, moved as accepted by Margaret, seconded by Corrina. Carried

Police Report: No written Report. Verbal report by Constable Ellis. Please advise Police station if going away and leave Pho no. with them.

General Business:

Meeting closed at 8.45 pm

Next Meeting: 7.30pm, Tuesday 14th February at the Cultural Centre