Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (2/12/2015)

Present:: Ian and Corrina Broad, Bevan and Mary Von Cronin, Cynthia Harling, Brian and Ann McNamara, Dudley and Helen Cronin, Philip Atkinson Margaret Atkinson (coordinator/Secretary), Ray Polzin Treasurer), Senior Constable Craig Ellis, Sargeant Mark Avent.

Apologies : Daphne Polzin .

Previous Meeting: Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Ann McNamara. Carried

Correspondence : Correspondence, read by Margaret, moved by Ann McNamara, seconded by Craig Ellis. Carried

Treasurers report: Read by Ray Polzin. Balance $374.97. Moved as accepted by Ray Polzin seconded by P Atkinson. Carried

Correspondence: Advice from Anne Leahy to ring various members of the Police force.( No positive result). Email from QPS wanting to renew the NHWQ program detailing Grants of $1000 and $3000. Letter from WDRC re: The Recycling Market Enviro Grants Program.

Business Arising From Correspondence: Craig Ellis advised us to ring Ipswich Council to get information, particularly about Toogoolawah where CCTV is installed in this small town. Then write to WDRC outlining concerns and requesting CCTV. In the meantime, Margaret will mention the desirability of shopfronts installing cameras at shop fronts to deter thieves.
Margaret will apply for both the $1000 and the $3000 grant with a view to solving the lack of clear house numbering within this town.
Margaret will also apply for the Recycling grant of $1000 if time permits.

General Business: Margaret to request that Melissa Price forward signs re Neighbourhood Watch to Noella Wilson who has now moved to Barcaldine; Corrine will register our organisation on Neighbourhood Watch blog, which will keep us up to date with current issues.

Police Report: Read by Sergeant Mark Avent covered Domestic violence, the importance of being aware of fraudsters offering to lend money, Traffic offences, Recovering of stolen property, Traffic complaints and the alleged stealing of flag. All missing items should be reported to police before making arrangements for public bodies to replace such items. In this case the missing flag from RSL. Blue cards essential now for Jandowae residents. (see Full report) Margaret to write article for the Magazine mentioning some of the above.

Next Meeting: Wednesday the 16th March 2016. At Cultural Centre 7.30pm.

Margaret wished everyone a merry Christmas and meeting closed at 8.40 and Christmas supper was enjoyed by all.

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