Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (16/9/2015)

Present:: Max Barlow, Margaret and Philip Atkinson, Ann and Brian McNamara, George Sturgess, Senior Constable Craig Ellis, Bevan and Mary Von Cronholm, Ross, Kylie (Scout master with four scouts to assist the Scouts in obtaining further certificates)

Apologies : Dudley and Helen Cronin, Ray and Daph Polzin, Cynthia Harling.

Previous Meeting Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Ann McNamara. Carried

Correspondence : Correspondence, read by Margaret, moved by Mary, seconded by Brian.

Treasurers report; Presented by Margaret in Rays absence. No change. Balance $374.97

Crime Report: Read by Senior Constable Craig Ellis. Craig covered 2 domestic violence events. The theft of 100 cups and saucers with Dep. of Health logo, missing from Memorial Hall and last seen on Anzac day. Several violent disturbances at the top pub. The vital necessity for all volunteers who are engaged with Youth organisations or working with children, to have a Blue Card. Adopt a Cop news. And the Jandowae Police station now fully staffed. Craig also gave us talk on his background and how happy he is to be now stationed at Jandowae.

Guest speaker: Ros along with George Sturgess first of all gave a demonstration of CPR on a model of the head and chest of an adult, emphasising the importance of compressing the chest 32 times a minute, and the necessity of beginning this procedure within 3 and half minutes of when the person loses consciousness. Kylie then had a turn and it was obvious how tiring the process is, and how difficult it is to maintain it until an ambulance arrives.

General Business :

Next Meeting : And Christmas party, 25th November at the Police Station at 7.30 pm

Meeting Closed : at 8pm.

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