Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (16/6/2015)

Present: : Margaret Atkinson, Ann and Brian McNamara, Constable Chris Robey, Bevan and Mary Von Cronholm, Cynthia Harling, Ray and Daph Polzin

Apologies : Dudley and Helen Cronin, Philip Atkinson, Sargeant Mark Avent

Previous Meeting Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct M Atkinson seconded A McNamara. Carried

Correspondence : Inwards Western Downs Regional Council — stating that IGA block has been mowed; Closed Circuit Television is the responsibility of the State.
Outwards — Letter to Assistant Commissioner of Police requesting placement of Admin officer at Jandowae Police Station.

Treasurer's Report : Opening Balance $374.97, No expenses, no income. Closing balance $374.97. Moved as correct by Ray Polzin, seconded by C Harling.Carried.

Crime Report: Read by Senior Constable Robey, about theft, fires, threats, noise complaints,and staff news.

General Business :

Meeting Closed : at 7.45pm, and supper was served.

Next Meeting : 16th September 7pm Cultural Centre

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