Jandowae Police Report
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781 Officer in Charge Jandowae Police (16/9/2015)

Domestic Violence

On Sunday 23/8/2015 Police attended 58 High St, Jandowae in relation to a Domestic Violence incident, a 43 year old male was detained by Police & transported to the Dalby Watch house. Police have applied for a Protection Order which has been granted by the Magistrate.

On Sunday 13/9/2015 Police attended 39 George St, Jandowae in relation to a Domestic Violence incident, Police then attended Dalby and served a Protection Order application on a 24 year old male.

Missing Property

100 cups and saucers have been reported as missing from the Jandowae Memorial Hall, the cups and saucers were stored in 3 plastic containers and were last seen at the Anzac Day service on 25th April, 2015. The cups and saucers are distinctive as they are engraved with Queensland Health. Police are confident the missing property has been borrowed for a community event however the cups and saucers need to be returned. If you are aware of the location of the missing property please notify Jandowae Police or Lions Club volunteers.

Licensed Premises

On Saturday 1/8/2015 QAS Paramedics attended the Club Hotel (Top Pub) as an intoxicated male had collapsed due to his level of intoxication, the Paramedics were obstructed by intoxicated patrons & 2 females physically fighting, urgent Police assistance was requested, Jandowae Officer attended & a Dalby Police crew were enroute Code 2. On arrival Police were appalled at the intoxication levels of patrons & the swearing & yelling. The intoxicated male was transported to Jandowae Hospital & kept overnight to sleep off the effects of alcohol. He has been fined by Police re: Public Nuisance - Disorderly licensed premises. A liquor incident report has been submitted to Office of Liquor & gaming.

On Saturday 13/9/2015 both Jandowae Police Officers attended the Club Hotel again as a male & female were heard swearing & screaming abuse at each other. The male offender was arrested outside the Post Office residence & transported to the Dalby W/H. He was fined $706- re: Public Nuisance - violent. The female was driven home by Police.

Blue Cards

At present we have a number of new residents to Jandowae, some of these residents are an asset to this area however some persons have extensive criminal history and are not suitable persons to be working alongside or coaching local youth. Police ask all committees to be vigilant & ensure any person who is working with children holds a blue card.

Adopt A Cop

In term 4 we plan on swearing Senior Constable Craig ELLIS in as Adopt a Cop for the Jandowae and Burra Burri State Schools. Once we have confirmed a date with Inspector BIANCHI and Principals Tony BARTLETT and Janet BALDOCK we will advise parents & students.

Police and teachers will be running a Blue Light Disco at the Jandowae Memorial Hall in term 4 also. All students are welcome to attend. Date to be advised.


I am very pleased to advise the NHW group that Jandowae Police Station is at full strength: Sgt Mark Avent (OIC), Senior Constable Craig Ellis , Admin Officer Corinna Broad. At present the Bell Police Officer is on leave and Jandowae Police are responsible for policing the entire Bell Division including Kaimkillenbun & the Bunya Mountains.

Office Hours

Jandowae Police Station office hrs are between the hours of 09.00am & 3.00pm each Monday and Tuesday. If you have a driver's licence or weapons renewal or general inquiry please attend the Station on Mondays & Tuesdays. Remember you can leave a message on the Station answering machine to make an appointment or you can call Police link Ph: 131444 24hrs a day, 7 days a week to report any incident to Police. If you have a life threatening emergency and require Police urgently ring 000.

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