Minutes Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Meeting at The Cultural Centre (3-May-17 )

Present:: Corrina Broad (coordinator), Margaret Atkinson , (secretary), Ray Polzin (Treasurer), Helen & Dudley Cronin, Brian & Ann McNamara, Daphne Polzin, Sergeant Mark Avent, Bevan & Mary von Cronin, Mike Watson and Suzanne Watson (new member).

Apologies: Cynthia Harling, Celeste Nelson, Cheryl Schwerin, Tony Stout, and George Sturgess.

Previous Meeting: Minutes read by M Atkinson and moved as correct moved by Daphne Polzin seconded by Mary von CroninCarried

Correspondence: read by Margaret OUT: Thanking the Jandowae Business Group for their $200 donation; thanking Sean Morrisey for supplying the srteet number templates for no charge. moved Moved by Helen, seconded by Ray. Carried

Treasurers Report: presented by Ray Polzin.
Opening Balance $1306.04; Income Donation from Jandowae Business Group $200; Expenses Nil; Closing Balance $1506.04. Ray moved that the report be accepted, seconded by Margaret Atkinson Carried
(Note no bank interest) Ray has attended the Commonwealth Bank to sort out signatories for writing cheques.

Police Report Read by Sergeant Mark Advent. Main points were :

General Business:

Next Meeting: Annual General Meeting at 7pm, Tuesday 13th June at the Cultural Centre. Nominations for committee positions welcome.

Meeting closed: at 8.05 pm