Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (12/11/2013)

Chairman: In the absence of Councillor Tony Brame, the chair was taken by M Atkinson

Present: Bob and Cynthia Harling, Philip and Margaret Atkinson,Ray and Daph Polzin, Dudley and Helen Cronin, Bevan and Mary von Cronholm, Acting Senior Constable Alan Ward.

Apologies: Brian and Ann McNamara, Sergeant Mark Avent

Welcomed To The Meeting Senior Constable Alan Ward was welcomed to the meeting.

Previous Meeting Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Bob Harling seconded by Ray Polzin.Carried.

Correspondence: Moved by Cynthia Harling, seconded by Helen CroninCarried.

Business arising from Correspondence: The dump site in Dalby Street has been cleaned up, shoulders of roads damaged by trucks have been fixed.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer, Ray Polzin reported an Opening balance $366.97. No expenditure, closing balance $366.97. Report moved by Ray Polzin, seconded by Philip Atkinson. Carried.

Police Report: written by Sergeant Mark Avent read by Senior Constable Alan Ward.

General Business: As there was no general business the meeting closed at 7.40 pm for Xmas supper.

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