Jandowae Police Report
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781
Officer in Charge Jandowae Police -07 4668 5320 (12/11/2013)

2 x Unlicensed, 2 x Disqualified Drivers, 4 x Unregistered vehicles, 1 x Drink Driver charged with Failing to provide a specimen of Breath.

Registration labels on vehicles will be a thing of the past, as of 1/10/2014 you will no longer receive or have to attach a registration label to your vehicle, this legislation applies to light vehicles under 4.5 tonne gross vehicle mass. You will continue to receive your registration label up until 30/9/2014.

A boat and trailer was stolen from a driveway at 5 Stewart St, Jandowae between the 19th August and the 26th August, 2013. Police Patrols located the stolen boat and trailer hidden in a garage opposite the offence location. The recovered stolen property has been fingerprinted by forensic officers and the property has been returned to its rightful owner. Detectives from Dalby CIB have charged the occupant of the house where the stolen boat was located with Unlawful Possession of a vessel & trailer.

On 3/9/2013 Police located a stolen vehicle on Williams Rd, Jimbour West, this vehicle was stolen from Mackay and Police located a number of bullets in the vehicle. The next day on Wed 4/9/2013 Police Patrols located the alleged offender hiding in a farm shack, the offender jumped out of a window and attempted to escape Police custody, he struggled violently and was sprayed with capsicum spray, overpowered and arrested, the offender has been charged with a number of offences including Unlawful use of a Motor Vehicle.

On Sunday 15/09/2013 at 3 am Police received a trespass complaint in relation to a number of male persons swimming in the Jandowae pool, this is a concern as some of the male's involved were allegedly affected by alcohol. On this occasion the parents of the offenders involved have been contacted and Police have left it in the parent's hands to deal with their child, if any further complaints of trespass are received the individuals involved will be charged and put before the Dalby Magistrate.

On Monday 16/9/2013 a female person was located hiding in a dog pen on a property just out of Jandowae, the retired farmers took the girl inside and she hid under the beds. Police were called and the female was detained under the Mental Health Act & transported to Jandowae Hospital then through to Toowoomba Psychiatric ward.

On 18/9/2013 Police attended High St, Jandowae in relation to a heated Domestic Disturbance, on Police arrival the male involved continued yelling abuse at his partner and at Police. He was in a rage and was sprayed with capsicum spray, handcuffed and taken into custody. The offender was transported to Dalby Police Station and lodged in the cells. Police have applied to the Magistrate for a Domestic Violence Protection order and the offender was charged with Obstructing a Police Officer.

On 22/10/2013 Police attended Brigalow St, Jandowae in relation to a Domestic Disturbance and complaint of rape, Police detained the male involved and he was taken into custody. The offender was transported to Dalby Police Station and lodged in the cells. Police have applied to the Magistrate for a Domestic Violence Protection order which has been issued. The rape complaint has since been withdrawn.

On 31/10/2013 Jandowae Police attended Wallace St, Bell in relation to a Domestic Dispute, a male person was taken into custody for DV and Police also located Drugs, the offender has been charged.

On 2/11/2013 Jandowae Police attended Dennis St, Bell, Police have applied to the Magistrate for a Protection Order and a female was charged with Wilful Damage.

On 9/11/2013 Police attended a Domestic Disturbance in High St, Jandowae, a male person was taken to Hospital by Police and the family is receiving counselling.

Recently there have been a number of calls for service in relation to cattle being out of there fenced environment and eating grass adjacent to the bitumen road surface, I would ask all cattle owners to ensure there fences are secure.

At present there are a number of dogs continually at large within the township, Police will be working alongside the WDRC Animal Control Officer to put a stop to dogs continually roaming in and around the township, if your dog is impounded expensive penalties apply. If you are a dog owner I would ask that you take responsibility for your pets and ensure they are secured in a fenced yard at all times.

Recently there have been a number of calls for service to licensed premises in relation to disturbances and intoxicated patrons refusing to leave. If you are directed to leave licensed premises by Police, Liquor Licensing, the licensee or staff at any licensed establishment you are required by law to leave the premises immediately. If you remain and Police are called you will be arrested and charged under the Liquor Act. You will be put before the Liquor Accord and you will be barred from all licensed premises in the Jandowae/Bell Police Divisions for 3 months - first offence. Second offence you will be barred from all local licensed premises indefinitely.

If you are a contract worker and create a disturbance on licensed premises, THIESS Management/QGC have given Police an undertaking your contract will be terminated, your accommodation withdrawn & you will be removed from Jandowae.

Police have also noticed a number of children frequenting outside Hotels and at times youths have entered hotels, if a child under 18 years of age is on licensed premises they are to be under direct supervision at all times by a parent or quardian.

The Jandowae/Bell Liquor Accord group met at the Police Station on Wednesday 6/11/2013, all licensees have were in attendance. 3 resident of Jandowae have now been barred from the 3 pubs, Bowls club, Golf Club and the show.

The aim of the Liquor Accord is to:

On Thursday 24/10/2013 the Jandowae scouts visited the Police Station, the kids were given a tour of the Police Stn, interview room and Watch house, they had a look through our Police vehicle and A/Senior Constable Allan WARD showed the kids the operational equipment a Policeman carries on duty, we also spoke to the children about the role of a Police Officer in a small community and protective behaviours. The scouts enjoyed their visit and were given Police stickers when leaving.

I am delighted to advise the Neighbourhood Watch Group that Acting Senior Constable Allan WARD has arrived. Allan commenced duty at Jandowae on 8th October, 2013. Allan is a hard working Police Officer and will strive to ensure Jandowae residents are safe at all times. Allan has already made an impact and intercepted a number of vehicles and has charged a number of motorists with unlicensed driving, suspended & disqualified drivers.

I know the decent folk of Jandowae appreciate Allan's hard work and we welcome Alan and his family to Jandowae.

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