Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (13/8/2014)

Present: : Margaret Atkinson , Philip Atkinson, Ray & Daphne Polzin, Bevan & Mary von Cronholm, Max Barlow, Dudley & Helen Cronin, Bob & Cynthia Harling, Sergeant Mark Avent, Ray Brook (Guest speaker).

Apologies: Brian and Ann McNamara, Senior Constable Alan Ward, Michelle Skinner.

Previous Meeting Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Daphne Polzin seconded by Bob Harling. Carried

Treasurer's Report: Opening Balance $374.97, No expenses, no income. Closing balance $374.97. Moved as correct by Ray Polzin, seconded by Mary von Cronholm.Carried.

Crime Report: Sergeant Mark Avent presented a comprehensive report of crime in our district. Moved as accepted by Ray Polzin seconded by Bevan von Cronholm.

General Business:

Guest speaker: Ray Brook from Alert Security in Dalby spoke about home and personal security and advised to:

He also showed us a personal alarm small enough to carry in a pocket or handbag, that emits a loud scream and siren noise at the push of a button; and was available at Dick Smith's for $30.

Meeting closed at 8.25 pm. The next meeting will be the Xmas party on 19th November at 7.30 pm.

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