Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (19/11/2014)

Present: : Margaret & Philip Atkinson. Ann & Brian McNamara, Ray & Daphne Polzin, Bob & Cynthia Harland, Bevan & Mary Von Cronholm, Dudley & Helen Cronin., Senior Constable Alan Ward , Tony Stout ( OIC Ambulance Officer and Guest Speaker).

Apologies: Max Barlow

Previous Meeting Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Mary Von Cronholm seconded by Bob Harling. Carried

Business Arising: Concerns that requirements for towing caravans had changed were unfounded.

Treasurer's Report: Opening Balance $374.97, No expenses, no income. Closing balance $374.97. Moved as correct by Ray Polzin, seconded by Mary von Cronholm.Carried.

Correspondenc: Outward Letter to Council regarding trees needing attention. (No reply), 'Boggy when wet' sign (phone message from Jason to say Sign to be reinstated.)
Correspondence be accepted moved by Ray seconded by Cynthia. Carried.

Crime Report: Senior Constable Alan ward presented a very comprehensive longer than usual, Police report. Crime has increased but Alan pointed out this is seasonal, as crime increases as the temperature rises. He reported on drug raids, recovery of stolen property, stolen vehicles, burglary with violence, noisy stereos, child abuse, drug activity, noise, untethered dangerous dogs and increased police patrols over Christmas period.

He also announced the official police patrol Hyundai car had been replaced by new Ford Territory AWD, which is larger.

Guest Speaker: Tony Stout: gave us a brief rundown on his activities round the District and reminded his audience that if in doubt it was better to call an ambulance than not.

General Business: Nil

Next meeting: Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 7.30 pm

Margaret wished everyone a Merry Christmas and the meeting closed at 7.50 pm when members retired to a Christmas supper which consisted of variety of sandwiches, cakes and slices.

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