Jandowae Police Report
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781 Officer in Charge Jandowae Police (19/11/2014)


On Tuesday 9th September, 2014 Police from Toowoomba Tactical Crime Squad executed search warrants within the Jandowae Township. A quantity of Drugs & utensils were located. 2 offenders have been charged with Drug related offences and one child offender will be dealt with under the Youth Justice Act. At present Police are receiving reliable information from concerned community members in Jandowae re: illegal Drug activity, please keep providing information to Police, we want to send a clear message to any person using illegal Drugs that they will receive Police attention.


On 28/5/2014 a Jandowae resident had 4 tyres & 4 Mag wheels stolen from his Commodore sedan in Toowoomba. On 15/9/2014 the owner of the stolen Property observed the stolen mags & tyres advertised for sale on Gumtree. On 16/9/2014 Detectives executed a search warrant & the stolen property was recovered and the property has now been returned to its rightful owner. This is an excellent example of the community working with Police to achieve an outstanding result. A 33 year old male who is well known to Police has been charged with allegedly receiving stolen property.


On 18/9/2014 a 19 year old male reported to Police that his Holden Commodore utility was stolen from an address on High St, Jandowae. Police inquiries reveal the Finance company has issued an order to repossess this vehicle, further inquiries conducted by Police with neighbours reveal the owner of the vehicle was seen to allegedly tow the Ute from the High St address at 11.00pm the previous evening. Police investigations are continuing, if you have any information as to the whereabouts of the 2013 Red Holden Commodore utility registration number 128 THW please contact Police.


On Thursday 18/9/2014 a Domestic Violence incident occurred on John St, Jandowae, shortly afterwards a 26 year old male attended the address, kicked the front door in & allegedly assaulted a male person with a baseball bat. The 26 year old offender then allegedly smashed in the windows a of a Commodore sedan parked in the driveway with the Baseball Bat.

The offender involved has been arrested and charged with Burglary with violence, Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm & Wilful Damage, Police have also taken out a Domestic Violence Order.


On 2/9/2014 a 74 year old male from Jandowae was convicted of 2 charges of indecently dealing with a male child, he was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment to be suspended for 30 months. Police ask all residents to be vigilant & keep a watchful eye over our youth at all times.


On Friday 19/9/2014 a Blue Light Disco was held at the Jandowae Memorial Hall, 88 kids were in attendance at the 2 Discos, special thanks to Senior Constable Allan WARD and school teacher Mrs Colleen WUNSCH for organising & running the Disco. Also thanks to Principal Tony BARTLETT, teachers, teacher aides, P&C, QAS Paramedic Ross BRECKENRIDGE, parents & community members who assisted running the event. We plan on running a Blue Light Disco for local youth at the end of each school term.


On Saturday 4/10/2014 at about 4.45 pm 3 males attended an address in Queen St, Jandowae. A violent incident occurred and 2 males have been charged by Detectives from Dalby CIB with allegedly assaulting the male owner of the residence. The 2 males have been released on strict bail conditions and are to appear before the Dalby Magistrates Court on 4/11/2014.


As the weather is getting hotter a number of our community members are enjoying the outdoors, Police ask you to be mindful of your neighbours and keep stereos turned down to a minimum. If you are not sure if your music is too loud then walk outside of your fence line, if you can hear the music you are committing a Breach of the Peace and can be fined heavily. Most of the complaints Police receive are in relation to loud base music, perhaps turn the base off this will enable you to listen to your music without annoying your neighbours. Jandowae is a flat town and noisy stereos can be heard several streets away at times .

If you are unfortunate enough to have neighbours who play loud music do not hesitate to ring Policelink 24/7 on Ph: 131444. Sometimes it is better for neighbour relations to talk to your neighbour in the first instance and ask them to turn their music down, if this is unsuccessful then ring Police immediately via Policelink on Ph: 131444. If you are having a party/celebration drop into the Police Station and register the party, this way if we do start to receive noise complaints we will ring the responsible adult present and make them aware complaints are being received.


On Friday 24/10/2014 Jandowae Police took possession of our new Ford Territory AWD, this vehicle replaces the Hyundai Sante Fe. We are extremely happy with the Territory and especially the full length bull bar fitted which makes night time driving safer for the staff at Jandowae Police Station.


On Tuesday 14/10/2014 the Jandowae State School preppies visited the Police Station, on Wednesday 22/10/2014 both Jandowae officers dropped in and spoke to the staff & students at Burra Burri State School, on Thursday 23/10/2014 A/S/C Allan WARD attended the Jandowae Kindy & spoke with the students and on Tuesday 28/10/2014 the Jandowae Scouts attended the Police Station, Sgt Mark AVENT spoke to the scouts in relation to Protective Behaviours, Bullying and the role of Police in a small community.


On Sunday 2/11/2014 Jandowae Police attended a Domestic Violence incident at 14 Dennis St, Bell. A 56 year old female was detained and transported to the Dalby Watch house. Police have applied to the Magistrate for a Protection Order.

On Sunday 9/11/2014 Jandowae Police attended the Hospital in relation to an ongoing Domestic Violence incident that had occurred over the previous week, Jandowae Police have applied to the Magistrate for a Protection Order.


On Sunday 02/11/2014 a letter box was damaged at a residence on High St, Jandowae. The owner of the damaged property was able to provide Police with CCTV footage of the offence occurring. 2 male persons were clearly identified on the CCTV footage. On Thursday 13/11/2014 a 42 year old male was charged with allegedly committing Wilful Damage, he is due to appear before the Dalby Magistrates Court on Tuesday 2/12/2014.


On Friday 14/11/2014 a 45 year old male from Chinchilla was found deceased by the licensee of one of the Hotels in Jandowae, Police investigations reveal the male died by hanging, this is a very sad incident for all concerned. Jandowae Police have arranged counselling & support for the deceased's relatives. Special thanks to Scott BATEMAN from the Jandowae Fire Service, Paramedic Tony STOUT & community volunteer George STURGESS for their assistance at this incident. A Coronial report has been prepared by Sgt AVENT for the Coroner.


Police and Council staff have received a number of complaints recently in relation to unrestrained at large dogs, if you are a pet owner be responsible and ensure your dog is kept in its yard at all times. If you are walking your dog have it restrained on a leash, the only time the dog should be off a leash is if it is running through a park etc and other dogs' or persons are not present. If you have a complaint re: barking or at large dogs drop into the library and make a formal complaint, this will be forwarded onto Council Animal Control.


Acting Senior Constable Allan WARD performed duties at the G20 summit in Brisbane from 10/11/2014 -17/11/2014, Sgt AVENT is performing duties at Schoolies, Surfers Paradise from 21/11/2014-26/11/2014. Also, staff will be taking leave over the Christmas school holidays.

If the Police Station is unattended during office hours due to leave or training you can attend Qld Transport Dalby to renew your Drivers Licence or Dalby Police Station re: Weapons Licensing renewals. If you need to speak with staff at Jandowae Police Station leave a message on the Station answering machine. Do not attend the Police residences unless you have a life threatening emergency.


Mark, Altem & Lyn would like to wish our NHW members a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, if you are travelling please drive safely and prepare yourself for the trip. Jandowae Police will be conducting traffic enforcement patrols targeting the Fatal Five over the festive season—

  1. Speeding
  2. Drink & Drug Driving
  3. Failure to Wear a Seat Belt
  4. Driving while Fatigued
  5. Distraction and Inattention
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