Jandowae Police Report 15/6/2016
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781 Officer in Charge Jandowae Police


Jandowae Police have intercepted a number of adults recently not wearing bicycle helmets within the township, all community members are expected to obey the law and wear bicycle helmets when cycling and set an example to our youth. If you are spoken to by Police for the offence of not wearing a helmet you will be issued a Traffic Infringement Notice Penalty $117. The only exemption is if you have a head injury and can produce a current medical certificate.


Police are receiving complaints from concerned residents in relation to youths misbehaving at the Jandowae Skate Park, in particular bullying, littering & unacceptable language. The skate park is for the use of all youth in the District and Police will be working alongside parents to make sure that anti-social behaviour does not occur & all youth feel welcome and safe to utilise the skate park at all times.


On Saturday 2nd April, 2016 Police received a call for service at 11.55pm from an intoxicated female requesting Police remove an unwanted visitor. On arrival Police observed a male person to be blind rotten drunk sitting on the carpet & unable to stand due to his level of intoxication, inquiries revealed this male caught a cab earlier in the day to Jandowae and had a heavy drinking session with the female occupant who recently moved to Jandowae. The intoxicated female demanded Police remove this male, when Police asked where exactly were we to remove the intoxicated male to as he has committed no offence as he is on Private Property the female became argumentative & aggressive, she was that drunk she approached Police in an aggressive manner & fell over onto the Police Officer in the front yard of the residence, continuing to scream abuse she was arrested for alleged offences of Public Nuisance & Obstruct Police. On arrival at the Dalby Watch house her blood alcohol level is alleged to be 0.275%

Police would ask all residents to have a duty of care over their visitors & if their guest has had too much to drink provide them with a bed/couch & let them sleep it off, organise a taxi or drive them to the Bus stop at Dalby and assist them in returning home. Do not expect Police to play taxi driver and drive all over the country side, Police need to be here ready to assist Jandowae community members.

At 05.30am on Sunday 1st May, 2016 Police were called to a residence on Hickey St, Jandowae. On arrival Police located a male person in the backyard who was affected by alcohol. He was arrested in relation to an outstanding wan-ant and transported to the Dalby watch house & lodged in custody.

On Wednesday 15th June, 2016 today S/C Craig ELLIS has had a busy day working with Child Abuse Detectives in relation to a male person who has allegedly committed offences, this matter is still being investigated & I can say a male person from Jandowae is currently in the Dalby watch house & is in serious trouble with Police.


At present Jandowae community members are being targeted by individuals purporting to be from the ATO. The scammers ring & advise there is an outstanding anest wareant for unpaid tax returns & if monies are not paid directly into a nominated account Police will be knocking on their door to effect an anest. There are also emails being sent out stating the individual concerned is owed a tax refund & the scammer is requesting the individual being targeted open a link in their browser, once opened the scammer has remote access to your computer. Police ask all our community members to be vigilant when receiving phone calls/emails as cybercrime is increasing at an alarming rate & is often controlled from overseas.


On Monday 13th June, 2016 the Police Station was inspected by an Inspector & S/Sgt from Ethical Standards Command, Brisbane. I am happy to report we are all performing well and came through the inspection with flying colours.


I commence leave on Monday 27* June - Friday 8th July, 2016, Craig will be relieving as A/Sgt OIC Jandowae Police whilst I am on leave, when I return S/C Peter HORN from Bell will commence 7 weeks leave & we will be looking after the Bell Police Division, Craig is next on leave for the Sept school holidays.


Jandowae Police and Jandowae State School ran a Blue light disco for local youth on Friday 201'1 May, 2016. 112 students attended the 2 Discos. S/C ELLIS and his family did a great job as DJ's and our Administration Officer Corinna BROAD also attended & assisted in supervising youth. Special thanks to the Principal, parents & volunteers for assisting on the night. Many of the volunteers & teachers attended the Police Stn after we packed the Blue light eqpt up & cleaned the hall for fellowship, pizzas & much needed recovery/socialising.

On Tuesday 14/6/2016 the Jandowae Preppies visited the Police Stn, we showed the students the Stn, Police car. W/H, interview room, Police accoutrements, we fingerprinted some of the kids, let them handcuff their teacher & they said hello to Police communications on the Police radio. We managed to get through the prep visit with only minor damage to the Stn as Corinna had put all breakables up high prior to their arrival.


If you require Police assistance ring Policelink Ph: 131444, we have staff available to take your call 24/7 and provide advice. If urgent your call will be transfened to your nearest Police Communications Centre, if you have a life threatening emergency or are in danger ring 000. You are not welcome to walk around the station or yards of Police residences unless you are in immediate danger. Utilise Policelink or attend the Police Station during Office Hours for routine matters. There is always an officer on duty or on call to assist you for urgent Police related matters.


Dalby Burnett Patrol Inspector Michael BIANCHI is in attendance at the meeting to hand out some very special awards, Sir I thank you for giving up your own time to attend Jandowae this evening. As many of you are aware Corinna has put a lot of work into NHW in Jandowae, Corinna has visited Brisbane, Toowoomba & Dalby in her own time and worked alongside Margaret ATKINSON in relation to NHW/Crime prevention strategies. Corinna has some very special certificates to hand out to long serving NHW members this evening, so without further ado I will ask Corinna & Insp BIANCHI to come fwd.