Jandowae Police Report 16/3/2016
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781 Officer in Charge Jandowae Police


The 2015 festive season is now behind us and I am very happy to say that all our community members who managed to getaway for the Christmas break have returned home to Jandowae safely. Jandowae Police will be actively involved in traffic enforcement in 2016, at present we are involved in a number of State Wide Operations including Operation Easter Break & local Operation 5 Alive. In 2015 there were 5 injury related traffic crashes that occurred in the Jandowae Police Division, we will be working hard to ensure our roads are safe at all times and any driver detected committing offences or endangering the safety of other road users will be held accountable for their actions.


If you observe a motorist driving dangerously or hooning ring Policelink Ph: 131444 and a complaint will be taken and forwarded to the Police Station where the offence occurred. If you have dashcam or independent witnesses are available who directly observed the offence occurring and are prepared to provide a signed statement this will assist Police in holding the offending driver accountable. Remember you may be called upon to give evidence if the offender is prosecuted. Police will only prosecute the alleged offender if there is sufficient evidence to prove the offence occurred.


Jandowae Police are receiving weekly complaints from concerned community members in relation to persons posting comments on facebook, at times the comments posted are defamatory and untrue. In the majority of instances the person posting derogatory comments online is only giving their version of events & the fact they have stooped so low as to rubbish another individual on social media says a lot more about the quality of their character than the poor individual who is being targeted. My advice is to take the higher ground and ignore these type of individuals and their comments.


Police are still receiving noise complaints, it is an offence to Breach the Peace and play loud music from electronic devices within the township. Some of the complaints received relate to noisy computer games, in most instances it is the loud Bass thumping through the township that annoys residents. If you are not sure if your stereo or computer game is too loud stand outside your house, if it can be heard from a Public Place or adjoining property you are Breaching the Peace. It is disappointing that community members from Jandowae behave anti socially and play loud thumping music. Police expect a lot better from residents in this small country Queensland town.

If Police are called to your residence and the noise is deemed to excessive a noise abatement direction will be issued, this direction is in effect for 96 hours, if the direction is not immediately complied with a $235—- ticket will be issued to the owner/occupier or responsible person. If Police have to re attend within 96 hours further fines will be issued. Police also have the power to seize the musical instrument, if the occupant refuses to answer the door Police have the authority to turn the electricity off or in some circumstances the offender can be detained for a Breach of the Peace and placed in the Watch house. In relation to licensed premises noise levels cannot exceed 75 decibels, noise levels can be checked on any IPhone or IPAD app.

If you are holding a party/celebration drop into the station or register it with Policelink over the phone, if calls for service are being received in relation to noise we will ring you prior to attending your residence.


On Sunday 24/1/2016 at 00.05am Police attended one of the Hotels in town in relation to 2 males fighting, both offender/s are known to each other & were fined $706 for committing the offence of Public Nuisance — violent behaviour in/near licensed premises.

The fines for misbehaving in or near licensed premises are expensive

If you are involved in any type of altercation in or near licensed premises you will be fined heavily & may also be barred from all licensed premises under the Liquor Accord. Police warn all patrons of licensed establishments to keep their voices down & not swear especially whilst on the veranda's of Hotels, if this this type of anti-social behaviour can be heard by passers-by or residents in neighbouring houses, fines will be issued.

It is the aim of Police and licensees of licensed premises to promote responsible service of alcohol, to minimise alcohol related offences and anti-social behaviour and improve the safety of patrons and the general public in and around licensed premises.


Police are currently investigating offences that have occurred in and around school grounds whilst children are being collected at the end of the school day, some of the matters being investigated involve appalling behaviour and language by parents/guardians.

Police, the Principal and school community expect all persons collecting students to be on their best behaviour, if you have an issue with a teacher make an appointment to see the Principal, if you have an issue with a parent attend the Police Station and a round table meeting will be organised with all parties concerned. Any type of aggressive or anti-social behaviour in or around the school grounds will not be tolerated.

Also, you are not permitted to smoke cigarettes on school grounds or within 5 metres of school fences, Police have also had to speak to parents re: Parking in the No Standing zone adjacent to school crossings. Please do not park in the No Standing zones, the signs are erected for the safety of the students.


Police are currently investigating an incident that occurred at 11.05pm on Australia Day 26/1/2016. Inquiries conducted to date reveal the rider of a loud motorcycle rode the motorbike accelerating heavily throughout the township creating undue noise from Hickey St, Jandowae to Prior St, Jandowae. This particular individual woke up several residents including elderly persons & young children. This matter is being investigated with a view to impounding the motorcycle involved and holding the offender accountable for his behaviour.


Jandowae Police have met with school staff and we will be running a Blue light Disco in Term 2 & Term 4, volunteers are encouraged to assist but must be current BlueCard holders to supervise youth. We will also be holding ceremonies at Jandowae & Burra Burri State Schools to swear Senior Constable Craig ELLIS in as an official Adopt a Cop. (Dates to be advised).

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