Jandowae Neighbourhood Watch Minutes (16/3/2016)
Held at The Fire Station

Present:: Sergeant Mark Avent, Contstable Craig Ellis, Margaret and Philip Atkinson, Brian & Ann McNamara, Bevan & Mary Von Cronin, George Sturgess, Dudley & Helen Cronin, Judith & Jim Baskerville, Tom Bradley, Norma Curd, Cynthia Harling, Paul Price, Corrina Broad, Celeste Nelson Ray & Daph, Polzin, Clint Nelson, Suzanne Paten, D.Cumner, Joan Harrison, Jordon Shiels, Andrew Tubb, Jamie McCormick, John Grealy, Ross(ambulance), Marie Murray, Thel Dowden, Max Barlow, Kelly Muller, Mike Watson, Wayne Wollett, Anthony Bowman, Glen Heathwood, Darcy Maunder, Sandra Heywood, Cheryl & Russell Schwerin, Jeremy Libert

Apologies : Nil

Previous Meeting: Minutes read by M Atkinson, and moved as correct by Ann McNamara. Carried

Correspondence : Read by Margaret, moved as accepted by Margaret, seconded by Brian McNamara. Carried
Margaret will confer with Ray and Corrina after Easter regarding a plan for reflective house numbers. Margaret will continue to follow up request for Council to place NHW sign at town entrance.

Treasurers report: Read by Ray Polzin. Balance $374.97. Moved as accepted by Ray Polzin seconded by Helen Cronin. Carried

Police Report presented by Mark Avent. Who spoke of noise complaints and the rules regarding noise. Traffic complaints and how to report any incidents. Unwarranted and defamatory remarks about people on Facebook and to take the higher moral ground and ignore them. How expensive misbehaviour on licensed premises is. Unruly parents and others when collecting children after school. (see full report on Jandowae.com)

General Business: A presentation by senior constable Craig Ellis on the drug Crystal Methamphetamine known as "ICE".
Craig showed a very informative video, outlining the dangers of the drug, the symptoms and how the police are coping with this drug. Contrary to many reports, the drug Ice is not a new drug nor is it causing a huge increase in the number of drug addicts, only that as the drug is so cheap (get high for a week on $50) more existing drug users are turning to it. Unlike some other drugs, this drug can become addictive after one use, and "Ice" addiction has catastrophic consequences: serious mental and physical health failure, accompanied by unpredictable outbursts of violent rage powered by immense strength.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm and supper enjoyed by all.

Next Meeting: 7pm, June 15th at the Cultural Centre (unless otherwise advised).