Jandowae Police Report
by Mark AVENT, Sergeant 10781 Officer in Charge Jandowae Police (18/3/2015)

Stealing offences

On Friday 27/2/2015 offender/s have stolen a 2003 box trailer containing assorted tools, this trailer was parked overnight at the Jimbour Hall as the owner of the trailer was working at that location.

On Thursday 12/3/2015 offender/s have attended the cemetery situated on Old Rosevale Rd, Jandowae and have removed panels from a shed, the offender/s have returned the following evening on Friday 13/3/2015 and have stolen the shed framework leaving behind the concrete slab only. Cameras at the scene have identified a white Toyota utility, a Commodore station wagon and a multi coloured Mazda station wagon as the 3 vehicles used by the offenders to commit this offence. The offenders also left behind 2 pairs of gloves that are being tested for DNA by Dalby Forensic Unit. As the offenders were decamping part of the shed has fallen off their vehicle on the Dalby Jandowae Rd, fingerprint examinations have been conducted and prints located. Police are able to identify one of the offenders involved from the CCTV footage as being a resident in the Jandowae township. Jandowae Police and Detectives from Dalby CIB will be making arrests in relation to this matter in due course. If you are able to assist Police with any further information s please contact Jandowae Police or Crime stoppers on Ph: 1800 333000.

On Saturday 14/3/2015 thieves have cut the padlocks on a demountable building used as an office on the Jandowae Connection Rd, the thieves have stolen $500 in cash from a locked safe. A Forensic examination has been conducted and prints located. Investigations are continuing.

Traffic offences

- On Friday 6/3/2015 Jandowae Police issued a "P" Plate driver with an infringement notice as he was driving after 11.00pm at night with passengers who were not direct family members in his vehicle. Penalty $341 & 3 demerit points. The "P" Plate Driver left the scene driving at speed towards Durong, his speed was checked on the Jandowae Connection Rd by radar at 152km in a 100km zone. As Police were intercepting the driver he drove through a fence onto his mother's property. He was issued a Traffic Infringement Notice for exceeding the speed limit:.penalty $1,062 & 8 Demerit Points. On Sunday 8/3/2015 the same driver was observed driving dangerously by an Off Duty Police Officer, he was following too closely behind a vehicle travelling towards Dalby. He has been issued a Traffic Infringement Notice for this offence: penalty $265. Police will not tolerate any form of Dangerous Driving on our roads and in particular from inexperienced "P" Plate drivers. This particular driver will have his driver's licence suspended shortly, he was only issued a licence to drive 1 week before these offences occurred.

Addendum: The same driver has since been reported driving in an anti-social manner in Dalby and has now been issued with a Notice to Appear in Court for the following offences:

A further complaint has been received in relation to his driving and an outcome is expected in the near future once the investigation has been finalised.

Adopt a Cop

On Monday 16/3/2015 Sgt AVENT attended Jandowae State School and handed out certificates and badges to students at the Student Leaders Investiture ceremony. Principal Tony BARTLETT spoke to the school community in relation the role of a leader not only at school but also in the community. Congratulations to the 2015 Jandowae State School leaders.


I am delighted to inform the Jandowae Community that Constable Allan WARD attended the Police Academy, Oxley from Monday 9/3/2015 — Friday 13/3/2015 and successfully completed the Constable Development Program. Allan will be promoted to the rank of Senior Constable in coming weeks.

Office Hours

Jandowae Police have temporarily been forced to change our office hours, we will now be open 09.00am — 3.00pm each Monday and Tuesday until further notice. We will revert back to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mornings later in the year. If you have a driver's licence or weapons renewal or general inquiry please attend the Station on Mondays & Tuesdays. Remember you can leave a message on the Station answering machine to make an appointment or you can call Police link Ph: 131444 24hrs a day, 7 days a week to report any incident to Police. If you have a life threatening emergency and require Police urgently ring 000.

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