Scope Of Chapter 49
In The East from The Decline And Fall

Introduction of Images into the Christian Church, Their Worship – The Image of Edessa, Its Copies
Opposition to Image-Worship

726-840Leo the Iconoclast, & his Successors
754Their Synod of Constantinople; Their Creed
Their Persecution of the Images & Monks
State of Italy
727Epistles of Gregory 2 to Emperor
728Revolt of Italy; Republic of Rome
730-752Rome attacked by Lombards
754Her Deliverance by Pepin
774Conquest of Lombardy by Charlemagne
Pepin and Charlemagne Kings of France
Patricians of Rome
Donations of Pepin & Charlemagne to Popes
Forgery of Donation of Constantine
780 Restoration of Images in the East
by the Empress Irene
7877th General Council, 2nd of Nice
842Final Establishment of Images by the Empress Theodora
794Reluctance of Franks & Charlemagne
774-800Final Separation of the Popes from the Eastern Empire
800 Coronation of Charlemagne
as the Emperor of Rome & the West
Reign & Character of Charlemagne; Extent of his Empire, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Hungary; Neighbours & Enemies; Successors
814-887In Italy; 911 In Germany; 987 In France
814-840Lewis the Pious
840-856Lothaire I.
856-875Lewis 2
888Division of the Empire
952Otho, King of Germany, restores & appropriates the Western Empire
Transactions of the Western & Eastern Empires
800-1060Authority of the Emperors in the Election of the Popes; Disorders
1073Reformation and Claims of the Church
Authority of the Emperors in Rome
932Revolt of Alberic; 967 of Pope John;
998 of Crescentius
774-1250Kingdom of Italy
1152-90 Frederic 1
1198-1250Frederic 2
814-1250Independence of German Princes
1250Germanic Constitution
Weakness & Poverty of the German Emperor Charles 4
1356His Ostentation
Contrast of Power & Modesty of Augustus