Scope Of Chapter 52
In The East from The Decline And Fall

The Limits of the Arabian Conquests

668-6751st Siege of Constantinople by Arabs
677 Peace and Tribute
2nd Siege of Constantinople
Failure & Retreat of Saracens
Invention & Use of Greek Fire
721 Invasion of France by the Arabs
731Expedition and Victories of Abderame
732 Defeat of the Saracens by Charles Martel
They retreat before the Franks
746-750Elevation of the Abbassides
750Fall of the Ommiades
755Revolt of Spain
Triple Division of the Caliphate
Magnificence of the Caliphs
Its Consequences on private & public Happiness
754, etc.
Introduction of Learning among the Arabians
Their real Progress in the Sciences,
Want of Erudition, Taste, and Freedom
781-805Wars of Harun al Rashid against Romans
823The Arabs subdue the Isle of Crete
827-878And of Sicily
846Invasion of Rome by the Saracens
849Victory and Reign of Leo IV
852 Foundation of the Leonine City
838Amorian War between Theophilus & Motassem
841-870Disorders of the Turkish Guards
890-951 Rise and Progress of the Carmathians
900 Their Military Exploits
929 They pillage Mecca
800-936 Revolt of the Provinces
The Independent Dynasties
800-941Aglabites 829-907 Edrisites 813-872Taherites
872-902 Soffarides874-999Samanides868-905Toulonides
934-968 Ikshidites892-1001Hamadanites 933-1055Bowides
936Fallen State of the Caliphs of Bagdad
960Enterprises of the Greeks
Reduction of Crete
Eastern Conquests of Nicephorus Phocas & John Zimisces– Conquest of Cilicia, Invasion of Syria, Recovery of Antioch
Passage of the Euphrates, Danger of Bagdad