Scope Of Chapter 56
In The East from The Decline And Fall

The Saracens, Franks, and Greeks, in Italy
1st Adventures and Settlement of the Normans
Wars of the Greeks and Normans

Conflict of Saracens, Latins, & Greeks
in Italy
871Conquest of Bari
890New Province of the Greeks in Italy
983Defeat of Otho III.; Anecdotes
1016Origin of the Normans in Italy
1029Foundation of Aversa
1038Normans serve in Sicily
Their Conquest of Apulia
Character of Normans
1046Oppression of Apulia
1049-54League of the Pope and two Empires
1053Expedition of Pope Leo IX against the Normans; His Defeat and Captivity; Origin of the Papal Investitures to the Normans
1020-85Birth and Character of Robert Guiscard
1054-80 His Ambition & Success
1060Duke of Apulia, His Italian Conquest ; School of Salerno; Trade of Amalphi
1060-90Conquest of Sicily by Count Roger
1081Robert invades Eastern Empire; Siege of Durazzo; Army & March of Emperor Alexius; Battle of Durazzo
1082Durazzo taken; Return of Robert
and Actions of Bohemond
1081Emperor Henry III invited by the Greeks
1081-84Besieges Rome, Flies before Robert
10842nd Expedition of Robert into Greece
1085His Death
Reign & Ambition of Roger
great Count of Sicily
1127Duke of Apulia
1130-391st King of Sicily
1122-52His Conquest in Africa
1146His Invasion of Greece
His Admiral delivers Louis VII of France
& Insults Constantinople
1148,1149Emperor Manuel repulses the Normans
1155He reduces Apulia and Calabria
1155-74His Design of acquiring Italy and the Western Empire; his Failure
1156Peace with the Normans
1185Last War of the Greeks and Normans
1154-66William I the Bad King of Sicily
1166-89William II the Good
Lamentation of the Historian Falcandus
1194Conquest of the Kingdom of Sicily
by the Emperor Henry VI
1204Final Extinction of the Normans