Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Beryl K moved and Beryl McK seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.
Business Arising:
Don Blinco and Roy Campbell will paint the wagon.
Peter met with the council representatives to try to improve the new Jandowae bronchure.
Jade arranged for an aerial photo of the town to be taken from a drone and it is hoped that some of the photos will be changed to better portray our town and district.
Correspondence:Inwards: Community Underwriting Grant unsuccessful, Ron Woods Account. Outwards: Thank you to WDRC for removal athol pine trees.
Heather moved that the outwards be endorsed. Seconded Betty Passed
Treasurer's Report:
Balance as per the Bank Statement is $3557.53. Term Deposit of $10,978.72. Income: Cooper's Gap Wind Farm Grant $2750. Expenditure: Ron Woods $4033.55, Dale Berghoffer (cement) $3,000, Peter $85.50
Heather moved Margaret's report of Income and Expenditure be accepted. Seconded Sally.Passed
General Business:
Peter is hoping to have the printing for the German wagon to be completed by Australia Day.
Australia Day Breakfast will commence at 7.30am and members are asked to be there by 6.45am to set up.
Peter will see the school re. the flag raising ceremony and he will ask Tanya to do the vacuuming. Members to dust just prior to this. Peter will borrow the 2 big shades from the Rugby League Club. This should be sufficient as we are not hosting the official WDRC breakfast. David Tuppack, Maree Taylor and Colleen Wunsch are to be asked to assist with the sack and egg & spoon races. Peter will buy the lollies. (Tanya has the eggs and spoons). Peter will also ask Robbie to supply the musical entertainment.
Ian, Peter and Don will do the cooking. Galls barbeques to be used.
Peter to order 12 dozen sausages and 10 dozen eggs from the butcher and 9 loaves of bread and soft butter from Spar.
Sally will sell water and poppers.
Tea towels, knives, jugs and cutting boards needed (Beryl McK to bring cutting boards). Salt and pepper to be bought at Spar.
Beryl K will donate the coffee and there is plenty of tea in stock. Beryl K will also pick up the 4 litres of milk from Spar the day before and will bring her esky.
Scones will be served. Evelyn will donate the syrup. Heather, Evelyn, Sally to make scones. Heather to bring platters.
Gold coin donation for breakfast.
Heather is to advertise the Breakfast on the Jandowae Facebook site.