Minutes of  General Meeting held on Monday 10th October, 2011

Present:  Jan Bickerton, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson

Apologies:  Peter Ireland, Betty Wassell, Daryl Donald

Vice President Jan declared the meeting opened and welcomed all present.  A copy of  last year’s annual minutes was tabled. 

Minutes:  Heather moved that the minutes of our September meeting be accepted.  Seconded Ros Balston.

Business Arising from the Minutes:  Morrisseys are busy so Ian and Peter will make and install the brackets for the windows.   Jan reported on the Timber Town Committee Meeting.  Nothing has been organized as yet re. the Poet’s Breakfast and the Old Fellar.  Peter will install the Powerlink plaque in an appropriate position. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Ruth explained that they are waiting on a bank statement so a report could not be prepared.  The reconciled balance as at 19th September was $5166.70.  The Term Deposit account balance is $6653.72.  An amount of $895.53 was paid to Insurance Advisernet for Public Liability Insurance and a cheque was paid to the State for the Incorporation Fee.

Correspondence:  Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.  Inwards – Peter Ireland re. school building, Armsign.  Outwards – Insurance Advisernet, Office of Fair Trading.  Seconded Doreen.

General Business

Discussion took place regarding Peter’s letter about the old school building and the implications that this would create  for our Committee if we decide to go ahead with this project.  This is a building of significance in the history of Jandowae and would be able to be used to display photos and other memorabilia.  The committee will have to make a decision about the baker’s oven some time soon as this is holding up any plans we need to make in the future.  It was suggested that the bricks from the oven could be used for a path or barbeque and the oven door could be suitably displayed with appropriate signage about the original bakery and oven.  A grant from QGC for $10,000 is to applied for.  This closes in March 2021.  A quote is to be obtained from Ian Wassell.  Cladding would have to be removed from the building.  Peter requested that members give this serious thought so that a decision can be made in the near future. 

Signage:  Ros reported that the new quote is only $200 dearer.  Signs are to be produced for Jandowae Town, Athlone Cottage, The Creamery, Shearer’s Quarters, Baker’s Oven, the Windmill and the First School (should we go ahead with this project).  The cost is 5 for $1280 or $464 each.  Members would mount the signs.

David Tuppack is to be asked if the long school desk is at the school.

Phone numbers have been put up on a notice at the Caravan Park  so that the precinct can be opened on request from visitors.

Jan has completed the mowing and weeping willows are to be planted on the island in the creek. 

A letter is to be sent to Daryl  thanking him for the wonderful contribution he has made to the Progress and Heritage Association over the past 3 years as President.

Ros Moved and Margaret seconded that we approach Maree about applying for a grant for the school. A meat tray provided by Graham Neilsen is to be raffled in the near future.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm and the next meeting is on the 14th November.

Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 14th November, 2011

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