Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 20 June 2011, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Jan Bickerton, Darryl Donald, Ros Balston, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Beryl King, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper


  1. Apologies

Violy Geist, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Darcy Maunder, Marg Atkinson


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 11th April 2011

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Jan Bickerton that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Ian Gall, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Peter Ireland saw Morrissey’s regarding the frames they are making for the cottage windows, they have been very busy but they will get to them.


Peter is going to talk to Ben Davison regarding the sheds on his place.


Stonestreets came with about 40 people, they were impressed and interested, Jan, Beryl and Doreen cleaned the cottage before they came.


If we found another mannequin to suit sitting at the organ in the cottage we would consider purchasing it.


Darryl saw Daph Bradley about removing the tree and she was happy for it to be done, Chris removed a lot of the branches, when Len Drescher is there we could get him to remove the rest with his excavator.


There are a lot of people who will be unavailable to help with the stall at the Jimbour Opera, Ros Cooper proposes that because of this we cancel the stall; Darryl seconded CARRIED Ros Cooper to write to the council asking for our $15 to be reimbursed.


  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         $200 received from the council for the Australia Day celebrations

-         Invite to Charlie Cooper’s christening on the 14th of August at the Catholic Church


  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

- A entry for a Tidy Towns 2011 award was submitted through Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland. The Timbertown Festival 2010 was submitted for the Mint’s Outstanding Accomplishment Award.



Beryl King moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Heather Gall CARRIED


  1. General Business


Ros Cooper is to write to the council and request reimbursement for the Tidy Towns entry fee which was $100 and also for the $55 that it cost for the Progress Committee to be a Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland member.


Ros and Chris Cooper regretfully advise that from August they will no longer be able to fulfil the roles of secretary and treasurer as Chris has received a job transfer to Emerald and they will be moving in the coming months. They have thoroughly enjoyed been apart of the Progress committee and wish them all the best for the future. Darryl thanked Chris and Ros for all their help since they joined the committee. Heather Gall has offered to fill in as secretary and Jan Bickerton has offered to do the treasurer role until new replacements can be nominated at the AGM. Ros Cooper moved that this be accepted, Seconded by Darryl Donald CARRIED


The old stock and station agent and two houses on the blocks next to the cottage have come up for sale. Darryl put to the council that the committee could not raise the money to purchase the land, but that it would be of great value as we require a place to display all the history of the area. The council are happy to place it in their budget for now. Darryl will write a submission to the council regarding this. Jan Bickerton was approached by Brendan and Maree Taylor who brought the old school on William Street, they were wondering if we would be interested in purchasing it from them for $5 – 10 thousand, Darryl will include the school in his submission to the council.


Ros Cooper to write Ian Usher a letter to thank him for all his help on the creek at the cottage.


Len Drescher has been doing work on the creek at the cottage; while he is there we will get him to remove the tree. We will ask him to do as much work as he can for whatever amount is left over from the Powerlink Grant.


The Wambo Community Development Group is considering doing regional brochure for Bell, Tara and Jandowae. Doug Henning has mentioned in the past doing a more contemporary/general brochure for Jandowae. Ros Balston will do a count on how many Athlone cottage and History Broachers we have left.


Hilder Mandell donated old photos of what was on the corner where the cottage is now, Jan suggested that we get a few copies printed.


Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Chris Cooper see attached report.


Moved by Chris Cooper that the report be accepted as read, seconded by Ros Balston CARRIED


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 11th July, 2011

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